Devonport Juniors Star at Nationals

I would like to congratulate Devonport Juniors, Stacey Ivory, Ashtyn Kunta and Kaitlyn Burk for the fantastic results achieved in the restricted masters being held at the Australian Junior Championships.
Stacey won the A division event with an excellent scratch average of 179, closely followed just 7 pins behind by Ashtyn on a 178 average.
Kaitlyn finished second in the B division event with a 144 ave.
Some great results following on from the success achieved during the past few years by the Devonport Juniors at the Nationals.
Well done team.
Stacey Ivory
G1:208 G2:184 G3:157 G4:180 G%:192 G6:161 G7:190 G8:161
Total Pinfall 1433

Ashtyn Kunta
G1:115 G2:148 G3:166 G4:191 G5:200 G6:161 G7:200 G8:pB 245
Total Pinfall 1426

Caitlin Burk
G1:155 G2:158 G3:132 G4:134 G5:127 G6:162 G7:129 G8:141
Total Pinfall 1138

Congratulations Girls
Good Luck Tassie State Team
Well done girls!
All 3 of you certainly have improved by miles since I saw you last year at the Nationals!
Keep up the great bowling!
Love Chloe (from VIC)
nice work girls it was great watching the girls it was a little bit tough but they pulled though
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