A new 300 Bowler



Congatulations to Glen Loader, who Bowled a 300 in his Hi-rollers league @ Bankstown Bowl
on Saturday 21/7.
Well done Glen
congrats glen

u bowled well at nats thanx greg forthe update hehe

must been good day adam bennet bowled 700 aswell
Well done Glenny good to hear ur doin well
Well done Lil Bro,


Just incase u have forgetton ur a legend! ur high game is now one lil pin higher than mine and one day soon i hope to make it up there with u lil bro! I can't wait to see u again i miss u heaps and i can't wait to see u to actually CONGRADULATE U! On a SMASHING job WELL DONE!

All the BEST babe
Luv Ya Big Sis
Leisa xxxxx
well glen what can i say? i told ya u would win hahaha! well done buddy u deserve. u have been bowling so well lately.and well done on nationals as well.
see ya soon
Glen mate well done great to hear that you got one in the bad you deserved it . Now i just got to get me one LOL . Anyway keep up the good bowling and stay in touch.

scottie andrews
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