2011 Qld Events Calendar

Andrew S.

Gold Coast
The 2011 Calendar has now been published on the TBAQ website.


This is a provisional calendar however most of the dates and venues are finalised. We haven't included Wide Bay as we believe this circuit has not yet been finalised, however this will be incorporated as soon as we receive updated information.
TBA has not yet officially released the Ranked events listing however we think the dates of the majors should be correct.
Please tell us if you spot any obvious mistakes.
Hi Andrew
2011 Queensland Hammer Seniors Classic on 15-16th January at Caboolture has already received it accreditation number
could you please put it on the calender -(paper work was sent in for the meeting weeks ago!)

Thanks Carol. Yes we did get the paperwork however we were asked to with-hold publication of any possible ranked events as the final decisions on rankings have yet to be made.

However as the Hammer Classic is accredited and going ahead on the advertised date there can be no harm in publishing, so we have amended the calendar.
Thanks Andrew

Also have had a chat with Batesy and the 13th Feb 2011 could be very busy for Caboolture :D
could you please amend the -TQI Intercentre Disabilities - Caboolture to the 20th Feb
Thank you
Andrew. Let me know when i able to apply for youth tournament for individual events across the country and Qld?

EDIT: And disabilities tournament too.

you can put your name down for tournaments as soon as the individual entry forms are released. Generally this is about 8 weeks (roughly) before the tournament is held, and depending on the tournament, can often be a lot earlier. Keep an eye out on this forum, the TBA website, and in your local centre for entry forms.
Hi Mr Shinnie.
What are the dates for the Qld Ladies Classic?
The column beside it is blank.
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