Firstly I agree, the fee TBA asks for isn't worth complaining about to me, however I think this comparison is faulty.
This article mentions $254 for the football (the round one!) season. So fo 26 weeks of competition. Even add that much again for new boots and shin guards, call it a $500 season of football.
I make it that I paid $780 for the same 26 weeks of my Tuesday league. $572 for Monday night. No new equipment in either of those leagues.
My point is, we keep comparing the full competition fees against our registration fees, which is not accurate.
Here also highlights why ignorance is bliss..and that is not having a go at you Jeff, but at the uninformed.........
Of the $254.00, and working off comparable percentages, approx $90.00 (30%) of it is going to the governing body (local association) who in turn hand over a percentage to the state body who then pay a percentage to the national body BUT -
I bet not one parent questions where the $254.00 is going. They would be absolutely none the wiser, and as long as little Johnny is getting a game - they would not care. Those registration fees are set by clubs in accordance with what they need to operate effectively, including the payment to the GB.
In a nutshell, in those other sports the registration fee is approx $90.00 (18%) of the season cost based on Jeff's assumption and
nobody knows or cares about it. Yet, in Jeff's case alone, his 6 monthly league cost is $1370.00 and his TBA registration fee for that same 6 months is $13.75 which by my calculations is nearly smack on a
mammoth 1%. What saddens me is some people are b*tching about the cost when it is such a tiny factor......
Another factor - for $27.50 a bowler can bowl as many leagues as he/she likes, whereas the fees for the other sports are for that association only - if little Johnny wanted to play in 2 different competitions (even in the same sport) - he would have the $254.00 twice and therefore
paying the registration fee of $90.00 TWICE.........$180.00 compared to the $27.50 we are paying.........
Are we really all that badly off after all?