who are your picks for melbourne?


New Member
With the National just a few days away, who does everyone think will win the Masters? I think that with the way Trent Cage played at City Of Sydney he'll be hard to beat, but Stephen Cowland and Matt Sing are always up there, and especially since Matt Sing's the defending champ.
Watch out 4 Ben Coupland from South Queensland
And the rest of the team :)
You never know whats gonna happen with double elimination, all it takes is someone to pull a 700 out of their arse and a very good bowler goes out. But we'll see.

I can see slats, cowland, ben robinson if the condition suits him.
Also Trent cage has been ripping it up of late taking out NSW State Masters.

Only time will tell though ;)
GO SQ!!! for the gurls i rekon bee is goin to be hard to beat cause shes a champ... im pretty sure amanda and yvette an the rest of the sq team will be hard to beat as well!! with the guys ben coupland will be up there for sure and so will the sq boys ;)

good luck to everyone that goes exspecially south queensland !! :lol: :lol:
TeAm BrUnSwIcK!!!! Lol yeah seriously these guys are on fire! In with a great chance

LoVe KaZzZa
Everyone from the SQ boys team has the potential to do it. I couldn't pick anyone out of that crowd they are all good. Just like from the girls I can't make a pick they all have the potential to win it. As it was said here before it's double elimination format...anything can happen and always does.
Who ever belmo listed as his top ten to win. But really its anyones guess. I know a few ppl who will be bowling their ass off though
Murderdoll said:
Who ever belmo listed as his top ten to win. But really its anyones guess. I know a few ppl who will be bowling their ass off though

I'll vertainly be putting my arse into it, whether it's good enough we will see, but im gonna BOOST my way through nats. lol
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: well my 50 cents would go to matt sing, bobby orielly or trent cage because when i was bowling in nsw state championchips they were really the people who stepped up to a challenge when it was thrown down so they will be the trend setters.
This is Cow and Slats here.
Cow says Slats.
Slats says Cow.

We both say GAME ON!!!

Later Da Cowman and Slats!
Hey Question to you alll


I think from the central area you need to especially watch out for

Loz Rochester
Christine Day
& i f she bowls like she has been in tournaments of late watch out for Kara Trilucio!

Love ya girls
kales i think u forgot to very good bowlers from central that i think have equal chance........kelly young and reese leckie!!!!

other girls i have my money on would b carly allen or hayli mazzoni
well i no another 2 boys that will b there given it there all again and will certianly b a challenge 2 beat, its the GIFFRIX asc.!! (remeba to get ur membership money in soon)
i also no the rest of the sa boys will b giving it there all and watch out coz they might just snkeak up when u dont expect it!!!!!! i think al the sa boys will b in the masters this year!!!!!
i would say good ol' craig mcgloskey or even matt spall could do it..

see it shows how much confidence i have in reddy reddy redcliffe

which is very rare to see.....
Hey people, On a more serious note this time. :lol: :oops:

IN the girls a few girls from Southern have proved themselves over the past couple of months. Jess McGinty and Lauren Robb have showed they are quality bowlers both winning titles down here.
Sam Fisher is an obvious choice going out as captain for Southern for the second year.
These girls will show you all what us southerners are capable of in Victoria, see you all down there!

Later Da Cowman!
OH OH OH.. top seven for gurls.... (in no particular order):

Amanda Frost
Yvette Lawton
Bianca Flanagan
Hayley Donnelly
Cassie Fagg
Gracey Rivas
Kylie Poulson

Top seven for guys.. (also in no particular order):

Ben Coupland
Simon Strassburg
Alex Winch
Bart Jefferys
Derek Adams
Ben Allan
Trent Scrivner
my pck for the masters title is simply any one who cuts, I feel no one has any advantage of any one, it's any one's tournement
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