What does this mean??


Staff member

Ten Pin Bowling Association of Australia

•You can provide a strong history of leadership and business growth following a period of strategic initiative and change management under your direction
•You are known as a strong and inspirational business manager who can harness excellence whilst fostering a performance driven environment.

You will report to a Board who is focused on improving membership participation and enhancing member benefits.
Prior experience in a sports administration role with a demonstrated ability to introduce innovative concepts; formulating strategic plans and initiatives would be highly regarded.
Your outstanding on the job performance has most likely been supported with a strong academic record of achievement.
Exposure to the sports and recreation sector would be an advantage although it is not compulsory.

An attractive salary package of $100,000 will be provided.

To express an interest in this outstanding opportunity please send your resume and covering letter to PO BOX 1710 Crows Nest or email hrwestpoint.net.au by the 26th of October 2007.
The TBAL CEO position was advertised in the weekend 'Australian' newspaper as well.
This could be seen as a positive move, yet the one thing that really concerns me is this line You will report to a Board.
Shouldn't we be getting rid of the current board and starting fresh?
oh and one more thing...
Why hasn't TBAL advertised this job opening on their website and/or on Totalbowling? Don't they realise that there may just be a bowler out there with executive qualifications.
At the very least the present Chairman, John Coxon, should resign. There has been no leadership shown from him and clearly the rest of the board are totally incapable of salvaging the existing mess.
Most of us thought the membership fees were the main issue, but as more and more people post information on this web site, more and more mistakes come to light.
The credibility won't be restored simply by making the CEO the scapegoat.
The board also have to take responsibility.
Ten Pin Bowling Association of Australia
•You can provide a strong history of leadership and business growth following a period of strategic initiative and change management under your direction
•You are known as a strong and inspirational business manager who can harness excellence whilst fostering a performance driven environment.
You will report to a Board who is focused on improving membership participation and enhancing member benefits.
Prior experience in a sports administration role with a demonstrated ability to introduce innovative concepts; formulating strategic plans and initiatives would be highly regarded.
Your outstanding on the job performance has most likely been supported with a strong academic record of achievement.

Exposure to the sports and recreation sector would be an advantage although it is not compulsory.
An attractive salary package of $100,000 will be provided.
To express an interest in this outstanding opportunity please send your resume and covering letter to PO BOX 1710 Crows Nest or email hrwestpoint.net.au by the 26th of October 2007.
Two words... Peter Coburn
my suggestion,
look to see who has posted the job application, before jumping to conclusions

Job 1 of 1Listed 05 Oct 2007
Work Type: Full Time
Function: CEO/MD
Location: Brisbane
Advertiser: AMF Bowling Centres
the question is by appointing a CEO will we actually see any changes or will TBA still tiptoe around the major issues that have come to light in the last few weeks or will they actually start listening to the bowlers needs and requests?
My mistake was hoping it was a step forward for tenpin aus, thanks akdefl i'll have to go back to dreaming
One should be able to draw a conclusion that Roy M posted the advert as he is a current member of the TBA board. He no longer works for AMF bowling, but still holds a position at Macquarie. There is no conflict of interest there, he is just using the AMF account to pay for the advert.
Wayne I think AMF are trying to help and obviously are very concerned with what the TBA Board has not achieved in the past. Personally I hope that they become a lot more involved along with all the other owners.:cool:
I understand what you're saying Joe. It's just that from past experiences in the USA, I've found that whenever the proprietors have the deciding vote in running things, it's the bowlers who end being the sacrificial lambs. And the way AMF has treated it's league bowlers, I just don't trust them.
you are correct easy tiger it was mr peter finlayson as i remember telling him at maitland bowl which i was managing at the time why is amf supporting the atbc or tbal & he replied things would change with amf's help A NOBLE GESTURE on his part, now roy wants to do the same they are both highly intelligent men & well respected why do they want to support the titanic beats me
i had conversations with a member of the current board just a couple of years ago & he outlined some of the things tbal would do, i am sure he meant well but nothing eventuated
the only way tbal will change is to change the whole board & start fresh not sure if P C is the answer either
BTW: when i was talking with the director i also made quite a few suggestions obviously not followed thru by the tbal
wchester, AMF is a very good company the do care for their league bowlers & i can tell you from personal experience they set very high standards when it comes to customer relations, all the seminars they held (not sure if the do now) constantly preached better service. unfortunately not all the managers were great & some regional managers were no better. I believe if AMF took the reigns of the TBAL they would certainly do a better job than this current crop
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