


I'm having trouble getting tenpins mostly..I have a 169 ave i only get 2strikes or less a game..I have to spare 7,8 frames per game to get ave,i have been having this trouble for 5 years i get 6 to 8 nines per game,can someone tell me how to drop the tenpin please..
Just moving forwards an inch or two from where you start on the approach can help carry the ten pin. Try it and see if it helps.:D
A few things that help me knock down the corners are, depending where the ball hits the pocket, adjusting, ive been told to hit just a little bit more on the head pin than the pin to its right (2 pin). Pivoting my foot 1/4 of a board and usually does the trick, if that still doesnt get rid of them, i change balls (not sure if u have more than 1 or 2).

Hope this can help in some way. Hamish
Ebonite - Bowl to Win!
Tenpins, are always a problem, we cant live without them. How old is ure Equipment??????
I always find you carry alot better with new equipment, I change balls every 3 months, to get that extra carry. I would reccomend buying a new ball, and seeing how it goes.
There is heaps of good quality gear on the market at the moment.
Personally I would buy a buzzsaw, its hitting power is unmatchable.
Just my thoughts, hope it helps

Hammer does have a point, if your averaging 169 with only 2 strikes a game, you could easily get to a 200 average with the right equipment.
I would suggest something from the Element range, great cheap balls, and have the hittin power to match any other ball.

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