With all the views that have been placed so far on this thread,i think that everyone has a valid point to make.Wether we are playing for a region(our state)or a bowling centre,its the comradrie that people are attracted to,even if you aren't in the Rachuig mould,so to speak,doesnt mean that you cant enjoy bowling against the best bowlers, that particular tournament has to offer,even if it is with handicap.
Cam (Ninja299) made a point about bowling against a guy whom he had to give 20 pins too,,,an up too 60 pins,,,but when you think about it,you should already know what your up against,an personally,i welcome the challenge,It would be like coming up against someone like Belmo,You already know that you are a mile behind(apologies to people who take this the wrong way that is intended)but gees i would relish the chance to have a crack,to see how i would go,being so far behind before we have begun the game.And have been there more than once.
As far as i'm concerned,i have always relished the challenge,an this year i will be trying out for Rachuig.Not because of the turmoil that is going on at the moment,but because i believe that bowling in the Walter Deveer Tournament has helped me,in as much as i think that i am prepared as i will ever be,in bowling in the premier teams event that this country will ever have.
There has been lots of comments about the shirts that Deveer bowlers wear,i for one dont claim to be a STATE BOWLER,i say that i represent WA in the restricted team that goes away to whatever state happens to be holding the National Titles that year,because i know that i am not a true STATE BOWLER till i make the Rachuig team,and i truely beleive most Deveer bowlers know this as well,,,,But at the same time,dont blame these bowlers for something that the TBA(or their predesessors)had put in place years before,we only know whats best at the time,but i do think that it is time for a change,an Max's ideas are the best i have heard,lets stop all the bitching,an get back to whats best for bowling in general.
PS:Maybe instead of having WA,,or SA on our shirts to differentiate from the real State team
(which i understand is the main problem),we can have The Sangropers,or Croweaters,or for Victoria we can have ummmmmmmmm,,,,,,,,hmmmmm well the mind boggles,but something nice of course,,,,,,,,,,,,,rofl,,,,,,,,
hey i'm only joking guys,,,,,,