Self Confidence

Tiger Bottomley

"Lord of the jungle"
To me it seems to be the most important thing in the game. Technique and skill will get you so far but without the confidence you seem to fail every time.

My question is how do you get it and more importantly how do you keep it? I've seen bowlers far exceed their physical potential purely through confidence and I've seen technically great players fail through a lack of it.

I'm curious to know what others do for their own confidence levels?
I heard that self confidence is a physiological state.

Thinking positive on its own won't make you confident. You need to physically do what confident people do. You have to breathe and move as if you are unstoppable. Again, this on its own won't work.

Your body and mind work as one unit, so if you only concentrate on one part, the other will over-ride your efforts no matter how hard you try. Try and crack a smile when your depressed. Its not easy. Try and be sad while having sex. again not easy.

So think, breathe and act confidently and you will create a state of self confidence.

(It also helps if you string a few stikes together too
An interesting Subject.

My little bit.

We compete at all levels of life without really realising it.

Humans compete on only 3 levels.




If you master just 2 of them you will automatically get the 3rd.

Its that simple.

Confidence is to trust yourself and believe in yourself. You dont get confidence, you earn it by hard work, hard practice and taking the pressure OFF yourself to excel and or succeed.

Ask you coach to TEACH you - VISUALIZATION.
Go the library and borrow the video on visualisation - track it down.

Ask your coach to TEACH you this process SLOWLY over two or three months then practice it - FOREVER.

Watch what happens to your confidence.


Carl as a junior I can remember watching you Sandy Moffatt and Robbie Hinton walk into a bowl for a tournament, and you could tell that you were all confident that you presented well and most of all believed in yourself. This trait I tried to achieve and it took years to believe that I was going to perform my best at any given time on any given day at any given thing. It is not a hard thing to keep tho I have no doubt in my mind at all that at any time I will produce my best results, I guess what I am saying is you only perform to the level you BELIEVE you can reach. The mind is the greatest tool we have been given and there is no reason why if you believe you can do some thing you cant achieve it just by believing you can.
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