
I was wondering if anyone could help me out with setting out and the contents of a bowling resume ?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Hamish
Bowling Resume

Hi - Just wondering what you require a Bowling Resume for? or do you just want to create a record/history of your achievements?

Let us know what you are looking for and we might be able to assist.

Well our junior roll offs (SQ) are top 5 and 2 selection and ive hurd that i should put in a resume. My friend was also wondering so i thought i would ask on here.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Bowling Resume


Past competition results - set out in a table form easy to read
Past successful selections - Include NTS - State selections
league statistics (if impressive)
Training commitments
Future Goals
Coach letter
Your calendar of tournaments or activities for the year ahead.
Photo of yourself bowling - or video.

Summary statement indicating commitments to the sport.

If this is an application for sponsorship you should tie in the services you would/could supply to your sponsors product or company - in return for the sponsorship or simply ask what services previously sponsored athletes delivered and think of an orginal way to deliver these to capture the attention of the decision maker.

Best wishes
Gail Torrens
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