MTBOV - Has done a lazarus but so short notice!


Dear All

Just wondering if you all received the entry forms like me for the MTBOV tournament at Mooroolbark for this Sunday!

Handicap out of 220 I think it was 80%.

Entry fee $90 members/non members.

What is going on here? Don't think it is notice enough to gain a lot of entries. Seems like an after thought to run the tournament as I only received the entry form in the mail yesterday.

Should have been out a couple of weeks ago at least. Maybe provided to Boronia when AMF Classic was run would have been a good starting point.

Need better planning guys!

It's time to be Hammer-ed!
Hey Terry,

I got mine last night also. I always used to get the entry form on the Thursday night last year. It didn't leave much time to organise yourself. But they would always tell you that they give a calender of dates for the MTBOV tournaments so you should have them written down.
But they should've at least gave some notice for the first tournament back.
I wont be able to bowl it & i'm sure alot of people will be going away.
Also the rules dont say that MTBOV members get to use there MTBOV average.
What do you think about that? Every other year we have, but it looks like there going to use your highest 2003 average.

Jen :wink:

Yeah seems like it was such a rushed idea to run the event.

Pity! The more tournaments there are the better.

It's time to be Hammer-ed!
Hi Terry / Jen,

I agree with you both. I also got mine on Thursday. It does seem like they are rushing this out at the last minute. It's disappointing there isn't supporting material with the entry form to let us bowlers know where the association is going or what's up for this year.

Does anyone know more about this?

Hi Terry & Jenny
I do agree that it's short notice and if the MTBOV wants to get up and running again maybe they need to do a mail out to ex MTBOV bowlers who haven't bowled for the last couple of years.This could be a good starting point,AMF did a mail out for the classic tournament and i believe it was a success from what i hear. I have not seen anything regarding MTBOV membership in bowling centres for some time maybe this is why they are struggling a bit . Hope this will change as I will be looking for Tournaments to bowl in later in the year when the hip allows me to do so. Lets hope who ever is running the MTBOV will let as many bowlers as possible Know about tournaments , they only need to post it on TotalBowling and that doesnt cost anything I think.

Regards Bastie.

Hi guys at least you got entry forms, like most associations the country centre never get entry forms. Yet a lot of country bowlers support Metro events. AMF send entry forms to all centres so what's wrong with MTBOV. maybe these guys are getting a bit stale. :oops: :oops: :oops:
Its not that they are getting stale, but you never see entry forms in centres anymore fir the MTBOV.

And really getting an entry from 3 days prior to the event is useless, and the response from the MTBOV is that they give a calendar at the start of the year, and we should make those dates available.

That is just not good enough, and the response to the AMF Classic Cuircuit @ Boronia, which had entry forms out for a couple of weeks prior, and details on this very site, prove that give bowlers notice, and they will support the event.

Lets hope they are able to get the next entry forms out like now, instead of say the Thursday night prior to the event, as per normal.
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