Knowing When Your Ready



Ok guys time for me to pick your brains a bit

How does one know they are ready to take the next step in their bowling. What do I mean by next step?

I mean things like from just bowling league to bowling leagues and tournaments, trying for shield,youth, raughuigh, De Veer etc.

Heres my opion. One Knows they are ready because of two things:

1) Their average is very competitive with everyone else in the league (bout 175-190)
2) One is bowling probably the best they ever have and their psych game is not getting to them

What do all of you think????


Hi Jimmy,

That's a tough question to answer. I think you're never truely "ready" as such... you just decide that you are comfortable with bowling the bigger events and taking on people who are perhaps more established with their game than you are, and want to challenge yourself. Often, people that average 220 in league will go awful in major tournaments, because they either don't have the experience in that environment, or they don't have the know-how to score well on the tougher conditions. On the other side of that, some people that average 200 or so can go well in major tournaments, perhaps because of experience in that environment over a number of years, or because they can play the tougher shots.

I don't know you or your game or where you're at in bowling, but I suggest that if you're only starting out, or have only been bowling a short time and perhaps have a mid-range average, work on your game really hard. Practice sparing a lot! Because that's something you'll need. I recommend getting a coach if you don't have one already, and talk to them about what your aims are and what you want to achieve in this sport. Work on setting goals, perhaps if your on 150 average, aim for 165 by the end of next year. If you achieve that, or come close, aim for maybe 180 by the end of the next year, and so on. When you get consistantly above 175-180, you may want to seriously consider regularly bowling in local events. When you get to 195-200 consistantly, maybe step up another notch. But it's really about when you feel you're ready and reasonably confident.

If you are under 18 I suggest trying out for President's Shield next time. You gain a heap out of the experience, even if you don't make it. If you have a few years left in juniors, it gives you experience for later years. If you're in the youth age group, try out for youth. There is nothing embarrassing about gaining experience in this sport, and I think some bowlers forget that at times. If it's your first attempt and you come last, it's a valuable experience bowling at a higher level, and you'll be better off for it in the future. Forget about the result, and focus on where you can improve for future events.

Anyway I hope that helped somehow.
No matter what anyone says. President's Shield has to be the best stepping stone in junior bowling into the elite bowling arena!

Anyone who is under 18, should at least roll off. If you have a passion and enjoyment for this game. President's Shield could be the most enjoyable three days of your life!!!

A good place to start are championships- local, state, national, they are graded so everyone can bowl and have a chance to bowl competivitely against bowlers who are at the same level as you. They give you a chance to do a lot of bowling on sometimes unfamiliar conditions which you will gain experience and confidence as you bowl. But the best thing to do is just go out and bowl in as many different types of tournaments in as many different centres as you can.
Cheers for all the advice guys much obliged

As it is I am 17 and I turn 18 in decmeber so its like as if I have missed my chance to roll-off in the shield trials. But according to one of my friends who did it a couple years back (Christopher Hall) you only have to be under 18 before the trials dates.

How true is that
The year that you turn 18 is the last year you can bowl as a Junior.

Seeing you turn 18 this year James, you are not eligible to try for Shield next year, but are eligible to try out for Youth.
tru point luke,

I just might wait tho coz I dunt feel ready enuf just yet....probably next year I will.

Neways thanks for ur input dude.!
so could u try out for president shield when ur 17 and make the team but just before nationals are on u turn 18. would u still be allowed to bowl in the juniour nationals and presidents shield?
micky_macca said:
You are aloud to bowl shield as long as you are not 19 or older in the year that you wish to bowl presidents shield!


So that means i could still try to shoot for the shield squad for 2006!! YEA!!
I think you will find that luke is right here. I know that on the WA trials forms, that you have to be UNDER the age of 18 as at the 1st of January 2006 to be eligible to try out.

I know that there was a bit of confusion regarding one of the guys who made the team in '04 who couldn't roll off for the '05 team because he turned 18 on the 31st of december.

anyways, i am pretty sure that the year you turn 18 is the last year that you can bowl shield


Question: I am only 17 at next year's sheild but don't turn 18 till about 4 months after.. Will i be able to roll off for 2007's Shield?
With the dates of the actual tournement being moved, would they change the dates of which that you had to be 18 by?
Question: I am only 17 at next year's sheild but don't turn 18 till about 4 months after.. Will i be able to roll off for 2007's Shield?
With the dates of the actual tournement being moved, would they change the dates of which that you had to be 18 by?


The rule for both Youth and Junior cut off dates is exceeding clear.
Junior- If you turn 18 on, or after, the 1st of January in that year you are a Junior for the WHOLE year. If you turn 19 at any time in that year, you are NOT eligible to bowl in any Junior Competitions.
Youth- If you turn 23 on, or after, the 1st of January in that year you are a Youth Bowler for the year. If you turn 24 at any time during that year, you are NOT eligible to bowl in any Youth Competitions.
The year you turn 18 is your last of nationals. Luke and Macca made the exact same point, but with wonderfully different wordings.
Your age at Nationals is completely irrelavant. There were 3 boys in the ACT/Southern Presidents Shield team this year that were 18 either before, or during nationals. The only thing that mattered was that we turned 18 on, or (in all our cases) after, the 1st of January 2005.
It's horrendous bad luck that you turn 18 on the 31st of Decmber, and it's extraordinary good luck for those who turn 18 on the 1st. But them's the rules.

Later Da Cowman!
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