Enough Hand, too much actually



Hi Group

Well I'm over my form slump and am averaging about 190-200 and I even made the NSW Central Zpne President's Sheild Team..

but theres a problem.

I few months ago I was complaining to and asking my friend about revs, and how to get more, I work and worked on it, and now I think I can even cross more boards then him.

Though I'am now hooking it too much, and i'm at the stage where I cant even use my heavy equipment, I use the eraser for a game maxium then I have to change to the scout reactive and its not before the trusty plastic comes out for strikes.

So I dare to ask the question, how do I cut down on my hook so I can get further down the lane and cross less boards.

I mean I havent even touched my rock on in 1 month and a half, so there has got to be a solution.

Thanx all for replies in advance.

Hi Group

Well I'm over my form slump and am averaging about 190-200 and I even made the NSW Central Zpne President's Sheild Team..

but theres a problem.

I few months ago I was complaining to and asking my friend about revs, and how to get more, I work and worked on it, and now I think I can even cross more boards then him.

Though I'am now hooking it too much, and i'm at the stage where I cant even use my heavy equipment, I use the eraser for a game maxium then I have to change to the scout reactive and its not before the trusty plastic comes out for strikes.

So I dare to ask the question, how do I cut down on my hook so I can get further down the lane and cross less boards.

I mean I havent even touched my rock on in 1 month and a half, so there has got to be a solution.

Thanx all for replies in advance.

It all depends on what drillings and ball surface you have on your gear. A ball that was fantastic when bowled your old way, may not be compatible for the revs you use now. Play around with the surface of your balls...ie; POLISH!

If they are already polished, you may have to look at plugging and redrilling to set the up for your new release, or get some new gear.
It all depends on what drillings and ball surface you have on your gear. A ball that was fantastic when bowled your old way, may not be compatible for the revs you use now. Play around with the surface of your balls...ie; POLISH!

If they are already polished, you may have to look at plugging and redrilling to set the up for your new release, or get some new gear.
Two things I have tried successfully to cut revs down ...

1. Hold the ball lower than normal. I think by doing this it makes you get the ball to the foul line earlier.

2. A higher backswing will create speed, and also cut down some of the revs
Two things I have tried successfully to cut revs down ...

1. Hold the ball lower than normal. I think by doing this it makes you get the ball to the foul line earlier.

2. A higher backswing will create speed, and also cut down some of the revs
if ur using heaps of hand, more foward roll isnt the way to go because that will make it grip earlier and break even sooner, try learning to throw a semi spinner shot or side roll as they call it this will change the axis roll of your ball long enough to get more length before the break. and as androo said polish your balls.
if ur using heaps of hand, more foward roll isnt the way to go because that will make it grip earlier and break even sooner, try learning to throw a semi spinner shot or side roll as they call it this will change the axis roll of your ball long enough to get more length before the break. and as androo said polish your balls.
I've tried differents line and different hand position and even milkmans suggestion of different heights in the pushoff but its all no avail.

Sometimes (like last weekend) When I use my reactive equipment (first game i used my columbia splash 133) I got out my eraser stood 32 bowling 20 to 14 and back into 17 smashed the pocket for 245,245. But I felt in the groove.

On monday Night I tried to use the Eraser in the same and a few different lines but to no avail because I wasnt in the groove, I wasnt feeling good, I felt funny, and bowled a 134, 127. I changed to my splash stood on 5 bowled over 12 and in to about 16-17 about it carried for a 196,221,212,204,189,198.

I dunno we'll see how I feel this weekend.

Anymore Ideas very welcome
I've tried differents line and different hand position and even milkmans suggestion of different heights in the pushoff but its all no avail.

Sometimes (like last weekend) When I use my reactive equipment (first game i used my columbia splash 133) I got out my eraser stood 32 bowling 20 to 14 and back into 17 smashed the pocket for 245,245. But I felt in the groove.

On monday Night I tried to use the Eraser in the same and a few different lines but to no avail because I wasnt in the groove, I wasnt feeling good, I felt funny, and bowled a 134, 127. I changed to my splash stood on 5 bowled over 12 and in to about 16-17 about it carried for a 196,221,212,204,189,198.

I dunno we'll see how I feel this weekend.

Anymore Ideas very welcome
try just bowling the ball as it comes natural. don't try to crank it, just let it come off.
it might take a few shots to get a consistant release again but its worth a try :)
I totally agree with Matto, bowl how it feels natural, I was cranking for over 4 years and all it has caused me is a lot of physical problems with my shoulders and my lower back. I've calmed my shot down and I'm more consistent, more acurate, and my equipment hits 10 times stronger than it used to, best of all i can get my thumb into the ball at the start of each league without using any powder. All i can say to you is try a few things, see what works and what doesn't, see what feels natural and what feel forced, then all you have to do is add 2 and 2 together. 8)
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