Driving Music

If the kids are in the car (which is pretty much always) it's Bob The Builder, Shrek & Hi5 or more recently Christmas Carols

You can't go past the oldies like Eagles, Led Zepp, Dr Hook, Janis Joplin and of course Guns "N" Roses Best of album

Remember The Titans soundtrack is FANTASTIC!!!!

The new stuff like Eminem, Black Eyed Peas & any mixed Hip Hop albums are good to groove to also.

We really like a mixed bag as long as it's got a good beat and it's not Techno crap ;)
Ohh ... I think porto had the best driving music on the way 2 Canberra - 11 cds filled with 80's music ... & with Porto putting his own spin on each song (esp. when he started singing about goats), u know why I slept most of the trip ... ;)
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