DJ Poontastic's birthday!!


Active Member
Yes, today is Adam Luko's birthday so I wanna be the first to wish the DJ a happy one! :)

We can celebrate the big occasion at Rachuig next week along with Debbie's, and I will give you your present then Adam :wink: :wink: lol. j/k.

Have a great one!!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday Adam!!
Have a Great Day! I'm sure you will, you always do :lol:

Jekk :)
Happy Birthday DJ Potatohead. I'll send ya momma back over to you very soon.....there's my present...

Speaking of presents....Kace?? What's yours??? lol
Dirty boy...

Well of course it's the biggest c*ck tap he has ever had, Androo! What else?!
Why, what were you thinking??? lol :lol:
That's what I thought....all good.

See if you can make it as good as the one Bruv gave him on Saturday. Making him crawl up into the fetal position, on a table during rachuig would be a great look I'm sure :lol:
Hey luco,

HAPPY BDAY, hope u have a great one which im sure lol

see u prob on the weekend be good take care

jack :lol: :twisted:
Happy Birthday DJ :D
It seems like only yesterday Paul, Norm, Lance, Simon, Ellis, Fech, Deef and I took you out to the Vic Tav after bowling one Wednesday night to buy a few for your 18th and the barman said "No, sorry can't serve him he's only about $%^&*!@ 13" :lol:
What are you now 24 or something.......your catching me dude :!:
Anyway, have a good birthday and I'll see you on the lanes on Wednesday night :wink:
Hey Adam,
Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a good day!!! :) and dont' drink too much!! - YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!! :lol:
happy bday poonhead, have a good one and try to keep it clean and legal lol have a good one see ya
Well wat can i say????....... to my trusty back up DJ, i spose happy birthday would be appropriate....but no one cares anyway :p hope u had a good day, and maybe one day ull be able to take the next step...and be a good DJ......i have some books i could lend you on Retro..bwahhahha so happy 16th birthday bro..........isnt it based on ur mentallity ??????, ok ive bagged u enough now!.......seeya at basketball.....but u no i love u man.
well well well... u really find out who your friends are heheheh j/k

yes my day is going well and i plan to make it go even weller into the night :p

as for the c*ck tap kace its not going to be on its own... you deliver your birthday present to me and immediately following will be an early christmas present for you... an almighty muff tap heheheh

andrew please stop stalking my mother, shes in love with bruv and his dog roxy. the love triangle is going well so let it go :p

matty matty matty, u forgot to mention that after teh bartenders comments on my age i followed it up with a come back along the lines of: " would u like a warm glass of shut the hell up?" or "how bout a couple of cubes of Kiss my *ss?" or even "how bout i go get you a spoon?" anyways i did get served after producing my proof of age card and a clean fiddy dollars :p

bruv.......... with mates like u.. who needs enemas? hahahahah
nah mate its all good its not my 16th birthday thats just the anniversary of how many years ive been shagging yo mama :lol:
no need for the retro book mate i have the mark foster handbook to dj ing.

Chapter1: introducing the music, always start off with "ahh yeah guys..."
Chapter2: during each night of work make at least one trip to the lubritorium for kareoke
Chapter3: make sure you drink enough alcohol to sink a ship
Chapter4: p*ss as many people off as possible with that bloody laser
Chapter5: play "we want some pussy" at least once during the night
Chapter6: always go for a walk during teh night with the list playing
Chapter7: if someone comes up to the dj box bagging your work let them know swiftly where the front door is 8)
Chapter8: after consuming enough alcohol to blow the limit 4 times over start using the word *mother f*cker* in as many tracks as possible
Chapter9: con the backup dj to work the rest of your shift for half the wage :wink:
Final Chapter: use the fact you are a dj to your advantage in any chick pulling situation, cuz your looks just wont do.. bwahahahahahahahaa!!

ITS ALL GOOD, and i love you all

looking forward to sydney

peace out

DJ Poontastic, loco, luko, poonhead, potato head, etc etc lol

g'day loco .....

hope you had a great day and have better nite!!!

PS: lmao at your post, people will probably think your 10 chapter guide to bruv dj -ing was a joke ... it is actually spot on the mark! get it ..... sorry! lol

anyways, see you on the weekend

it's all good!
That is one of the funniest things I have read for a long, long time, and from what I have seen, it's all pretty much true!! :lol:

As for the age of 16, I always thought that was the average age of, not going there!!!!
Yes it all true....i like to consume copious amounts of amber liquid while working, as it is all "FREE".......and yes i use the the fact that i am a dj to pull chicks.......and i do pay loco half the goin rate......its called smart business, if anyone would like a copy of "TO BE 1 WILL GET U 1" it will be in shops soon :p

Oh yeh guys>...............

Mark Foster
Happy Birthday Adam.

Well for yesterday anyway.

I was out of the country yesterday (in Hobart actually) so i did not get to post.

Hope it was a good day for you.

Just one thing, i had a call from TBA yesterday asking what all the dribble was on your Rachuig Bio.

See you on Sunday.
Hey Adam,

Happy birthday for yesterday. I didn't get a chance to post earlier because I was out and about exploring Hobart pubs! lol

Anyway, I hope you had an awesome day and didn't drink too much! lol

See you at the bowl tonight.

ok after consulting with a few close friends of bruv i learnt that after friday nights performance mark is bringing out a dj troubleshooting book.

Problem 1. the music you are playing is crap
Reason: you are sober Solution: go and get more alcohol
Problem 2. the music you are playing is unknown to you.
Reason: you are too pissed. Solution: go and get more alcohol.
Problem 3. You are on the stage with the microfone and you realise that with only 5 seconds of the track playing left the program is still in manual dj.
Solution: First sh*t yourself, then make a mad scramble up the stairs to the dj box unsuccessfully not only not making it but tripping up the stairs when the music stops and yelling out "sh*t!" on the microfone while it is still on so everyone in the place can hear it

Problem 4. after multiple repeats of problem 3 you find that the duty manager has put on the screen " the dj sucks"
Solution: crack the sh*ts... bwahahahhahahahhaahahaa!!!

you are the man bruv!

guys like you really do grow on trees :p

but u do know i love you so its ok :wink:

peace out

loco luurrrvvee
Happy birthday M8 hope you had a great one no doubt you did

Love Kara
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