Cannington Cup - Is This Fair?

I was bowling league tonight and heard someone say that Carol Gianotti, has had her 8 pins per game she is awarded as a female bowler bowling in a scratch event taken off her because some guys complained she is too good to have them.
This can't be right, can someone confirm this has happened, if so what a sad state of affairs, we were all aware of the conditions we entered under, and now to change the goal posts after 3 weeks is utter rubbish.
All you so called "scratch" bowlers who complained about this are the same bowlers complaining there is no competition or tournaments in WA, now you know why, I entered this tournament under the conditions of the entry form, I wanted to bowl against and with Carol because she IS good and would find it a challenge to beat her, pins or no pins.
But rules are rules, you organisers posted an entry form with bonus pin conditions, and now you must stick to it. Now you must show the integrity and fortitude and stand by the rules, and don't bow to bowler pressure, if they don't want to bowl under those rules it's up to them, I'd rather see 10 pull out than lose the integrity and responsiblity we have to female bowlers in scratch tournaments, no matter who they are.
I have one of my students bowling in this whom I coach, he is a 170 ave, I would like him to get 8 bonus pins because he is NOT as good as Carol, but he wants the opportunity to bowl and learn, so if it's good to take away, conversly it must be good to give.
Now is the time to show your metal organisers, who shall remain nameless, so michael, why not list those bowlers who wants the pins taken away, so we all know who they are. My name is Paul Terry and I vote to stick to the conditions of entry as I entered under - give her back the pins !! and let's keep the integrity in our sport.
I'm with you Paul.
I don't really agree with giving female bowlers an 8 pin handicap in a scratch tournament to begin with (and I am a female bowler who probably will need the 8 pins...), but if you're going to, it has to apply to everyone regardless of whether or not they're Carol Gianotti.

Perhaps this is simply my youth and inexperience coming to the fore here, but I'm not scared of Carol Gianotti- I've never met her before in my life! But I would relish the opportunity to bowl against her, specifically WITHOUT any handicapping either way.
Tis is ridiculous and the organizers should give the pins back to Carol for this event. You cannot have handicap pins for females in an event but taken away from the elite females. Bad Call Mr. TD

As for the bowlers who called for this to change. I'm 100% with Paul on this and either don't bowl or grow some balls and take the challenge in competing with the elite. Carol Gianotti is a great person and sport and I know you would learn a great deal from bowling with/against Carol.

Christian Purdue
Carol can have the 8 points for being a female as far as Im concerned!

But the last I heard, Carol opted to bowl scratch...... I may be wrong but if it was her choice, would you be so concerned for the rules?

But like I said give her the 8 points......I just want to get back into the tournament scene, that WA seems to ge getting back.

Clint Phelps
The decision has been made and the rule has been amended so that ANY lady with an average higher than 200 will not receive the 8 bonus pins.

The rule was originally put in place to encourage female bowlers to enter the tournament who could not keep up with the men. As far as it can be seen any lady averaging over 200 should not need an 8 pin bonus per game to encourage them to bowl.

I would rather have any complaints addressed directly to me so please feel free to email me or call me for further discussion

[email protected]
0421 788 890

I stand behind the decision that has been made with careful consideration and discussion with bowlers.

Michael Wilkey
Thats a shame Brenda....... Hope it had nothing to do with the above posts.

Your always one to put your name down for a tourney, sorry you cant bowl

No Clint, got the flu. Really disappointed, as I love to support local tounaments and to bowl with or against Carol is a real buzz.
Good luck to all bowlers.
This thread was not intended, nor is any I post, to discourage bowlers from entering tournaments, for those who know me they know I encourage and support any tournaments or events that get bowlers into the sport.
There was never any discussion with me in relation to this decision, yet I am a bowler and I am in the tournament, the decision came to me second hand.
I post threads, as my name suggests, being the devil's advocate, this means I will make you look at the other side of the discussion to enable anyone to see an argument objectively, by doing this people can make better valued decisions.
So what really happened?
The organisers posted a tournament, we all entered and it was sanctioned under those conditions, 3 weeks later a complaint arises because some male bowler felt they were being hard done by, the rules get changed to give that male bowler(s) an advantage or less of a disadvantage, (so does this come under trying to gain an unfair adavantage..hhmm the mind boggles)
Lets not comment on sanctioning, for those who wish to know go to the rule book under accreditation. The decision affects only one bowler directly and the rest indirectly. Was it the right decison - maybe, was it thought out before the entry form was posted - no. Is Carol the highest average in the tournament, if yes, then maybe a case is supported, if not then is she being disadvantaged by not having those pins to compete against the male bowlers with higher averages than hers. Was the decision made ethically - ?
I am not trying to put anyone down, or trying to provoke anyone, I am simply stating the decision was wrong and unfair given the rules under which we entered and was sanctioned, The tournament should go ahead in its original form, and learn from it for next year, as we should have from the last year, sorry who won last year - oh yeah... Carol... maybe some of us did learn.
Hi all,

Just putting in my 2 bob from the east!! Why should a 195 ave guy not have the same rules as a 195 ave lady? I know it's to get more women into major tourneys, but fairs fair!!

I personally think 8 pins is too much, can be the difference between doubling or going dutch....

5 pins would have been my recommendation per game....I intend to run a series next year with the advantage for the women, hopefully to draw them back to the game.

Just my 2c worth
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