Bruv's Power...


Staff member
During the Launceston Masters, Mark "Bruv" Foster was less than impressed with his ability to figure out a shot on the tough conditions. Late in a game, he decided to try the hard, flat shot at the pocket. The result?? Very nice 5-10!!!

Nice work Bruv, and the pleasure was all yours...... :D
How bout the "This one's for your mum luko" and leaving a 3-6-10... whats that saying for Lukos mum huh?? hehe :D :D
Nice Work Mark....

I'm not the only one who left one then, come to think of it i left 5, oh well it toped off a great days bowling by me, i could put everything else i left yesturday but ill be here all day :) But im happy to say i NEVER left the 5-7-10.......

later everyone
this ones for my mum huh? well no wonder he left a huge split.. :roll:

heheheh i can say bruv got a lot of good carry during the latter games, i belive he could have carried by just hitting the 7 pin thats how good it was for him heheheh

u know its true bruv lol

peace out

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