Becoming a Team Manager Please Note

The announcement re the Team Managers courses was announced by Peter Coburn at all of the Managers meetings in Tasmania - WDV, Rachuig and at the TBA State Managers Meetings in Hobart, all were advised that the course would be ready by March 2007 for presentation. Due to other course priorities the course material was made available by mid June 2007. All State Team Managers must complete a course prior to acting as a Team Manager in 2008. The priority at this time would be to have a course for those wishing to act as Team Managers for the TBA Youth Team Challenge which will be held in January 2008.
June Voukolos
Re: Revenue stream

Dear Andrew S
The SNSW Junior Committee are running the Bowling Proficiency Course for all their Shield junior bowlers, and including parents who wish to assist this year or in the future with the Manager role for Shield and Youth state teams.
The TBA rec $15 per person, we employ a TBA accredited presenter and pay $25 lineage for the use of the lanes and facilities. $5 is set aside for the photoopying of a manual and course information for the bowlers to keep for reference.
The Committee sponsord the course to make it cheaper for their young bowlers ($30). I fail to see the revenue stream, unless you are referring to the drought areas out west. Please be informed before taking stabs at committees trying to assist the process for our junior bowlers and volunteers.
I did try to have a Managers Course run and offset some costs for the volunteers but have been informed by the new NSW Branch of TBA that we are not permitted to run the courses, it is a state objective. I know there is some $ left from the TBA of NSW and this might be used for the development of these volunteer managers.
I'm not taking any shot at you Leanne.
This is what you posted in the NSW Forum.
The Committee are running a Bowling Proficiency Course for our current 2008 Shield Team and Management Team. With the new Manager Accreditation Course attendees need to have completed a BPC.
If I'm taking a shot at anyone its at TBA, unless of course the BPC is not an actual requirement of the Manager Course. Your post indicates that it is.
On a lighter note you'll find in most situations that this is all you have to say to be a 'good' team manager..."please dont get too drunk tonight!!":D

It is obvious that a lot of people do not understand the real role of a Team Manager. Team Harmony is something the coach needs to drive. The Coach is the leader working with his/her team that can comprise of captains, managers and other specialists or guardians. The Manager is the spokesperson for the team but does a lot of their work in conjunction with the state association in the weeks and months prior to the event. At the event they work closely with the coach looking after entries at the event, accommodation needs, uniforms, recovery nutrition and meals during the event. On lanes their role is to make sure the coaches lineups are in at the appropriate time and to deal with the tournament director on behalf of the team. The Team Manager is not the Coach and would not be telling players what to do on lanes. They would however, be telling them what time to get on team bus, when to go to team meetings and what shirts to wear etc.
Their is quite a clear division between all roles of Coach, Manager and Captain. Lets look at this in a positive manner as now the Team Managers have some education in what the coach and players need to perform at their optimum level. In fairness to past Team Managers they have taken on the roles and some have had to learn on the run, or follow what the previous Manager did, whether it was right or wrong for the team and all have done it as volunteers, taking time off, paying the same levy as the players and sometimes being abused for their trouble if they got it wrong. Now they are armed with additional information.
June Voukolos
Hi June

If a Team doesn't have a coach, does the volunteer Manager still have to do the course?

Cheers (and nice to catch up with you in Darwin)

Reg Reichel
Hi Reg,
Yes all Team Managers who will be looking after Presidents Shield, Youth, Rachuig and Seniors Challenge Teams from January 2008 will have to do the course. If a team does not have a coach they may like to draft a coach from one of the other states, we have already placed draft coaches for Presidents Shield and Youth Challenge for 2008.
June Voukolos
I would like to say thanks to June for taking her time to answer all these question. She also have answered some of my personal questions in pms. It's great to get a feed back from such a humble person. We appreciate what you are doing for our sport June. Keep up the good work.
Alex :)
I would like to say thanks to June for taking her time to answer all these question. She also have answered some of my personal questions in pms. It's great to get a feed back from such a humble person. We appreciate what you are doing for our sport June. Keep up the good work.
Alex :)
Well said Alex. Thanks June.:coolthumb:
If it’s not a rude Question how much did each person pay to go on and complete the course???
Also how did or what did you guys do down there to offset costs???

Hi Jase,

Each person paid $40 for the course which ran about 3 hrs per night. ACTTBA paid whatever this didn't cover.

We would probably charge a little more in future but wanted to get as many people through as possible.


As a person who has managed junior teams for the Sunshine Coast for the last 8 years and South Qld Junior Shiels for the last 2 years. I dont mind doing the course but I question the cost.

I just get an email from TBAQ saying that our course is $176.00.

Why so high?

Recently our SNSW Junior Committee structured a Bowling Proficiency Course and Managers Course to bring our Team Manages and future support personnel up to date with TBA directives.

Over the last five years I have run several courses and was suprised when I received an email from the new NSW Branch TBA Chairman, Greg Sawyer, telling me I was not allowed to organise these courses and would have to wait for the NSW Branch to accommodate.

I confirmed this email with June Voukolos who said that these courses are only run by the state associations. This was a surprise, and although it was not what had happened over the last five years, I am more than willing to follow the dictates of the TBA. I assured June and Greg that I would cease organising, promoting and supporting the TBA courses and modules with our bowlers and parents.

The cost for the Managers Course was to be $75 (employing a TBA accredited presenter, course manuals, room and tea/coffee etc), as we are able to farm out for free printing, use of rooms etc. I had 15 confirmed participants after emailing and advertising to all interested from juniors, youth, adults and seniors.

I recognise what the TBA is trying to do, but wonder if there are more user-friendly options.

Just regarding the ACT course, wondering if there will be another one held anywhere in the future and whether or not this one would be advertised

Yes there will, but there are some points to be made, this course being the first in Australia was advertised through the centre reps. It is up to each of the centres reps to advertise it the best way.
We had 18 people attend, this was a great turn out and it did help that ACTTBA put the bill for the presenter which was great, if this will be done in the future, I don't know. The course would be run only if 10 people want to do the course this is to make the course pay for its self, it maybe that it will need to be run with less but then it would need the financial support of ACTTBA to make it viable.
The cost was good but a few will need to do the bowlers proficiency course and this will be organised soon. This will be an additional cost to those participants.
What the authorities failed to mention initially was that the Bowler Proficiency Course is a compulsory pre-requisite to the Team Manager Course.

So all the questions about costs should be asked again.

TBA will again take their slice - I think this time around $15 - but the upside is that at least our Managers will learn how to bowl..
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