Australian Open winner.

Kegel's Challenger Series - Route 66. It's a 45ft 4.5:1 pattern (Harder than a house shot, not quite as tough as a sports pattern.)

Congrats to Paul.

Well done Dion.

Question !!!

Who analysed the lanes and are the tapes
available to read ????

The point is, Is it easy to say that a certain
condition has been put down, but has it ??
PS All 3 finalists were using Storm Virtual Gravitys :) Join the dots on that one!

I know l wasn't top 3 but 90% of the time l was using a Hammer 3D offset. On its 3rd drilling. When Brett weighed it at the end of the 6 games Sunday morning he did have a laugh. My Virtual Gravity was brought out for a few games.
Bluey,mate, you did well, and you CAN'T over concentrate! To clarify, you need FULL concentration of the mind, while letting the body stay loose - Concentration which tightens muscles is a no no.

Relaxed concentration, how's that for an oxymoron?

Exactly Jim.... I dont know if you were their but Bluey's face said it all...
PS All 3 finalists were using Storm Virtual Gravitys :) Join the dots on that one!

I had an excellent day with my Virtual Energy, and almost scraped into the top 3 aving 242 for the 15 games, but i did notice the success the VG's were having and ordered one halfway through the matchplay haha.

On another note and as CSP said, yes the scoring was high but you still had to be accurate and throw good shots, i know for me if i missed by more than a board right i was very unlikely to carry. I even managed to bowl a 160, 180 in the final block of day 1, so there were certainly bad scores to be bowled aswell.

Anyhow well done to Paul, always up there in the results, good luck in Zagreb. Also well done to all in the final, it was great to watch even from the lanes.
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