AMF Illawarra - 300's galore!

Why is it AMF's job to grow bowling or do anything other then make money from it? Only idiots believe otherwise. Opening new centres at least creates a opportunity to bring new people to bowling, the challenge is then to turn some of those people into league bowlers and then league bowlers to tournament bowlers and I'm not sure that should be AMF's responsibility.

I would've thought the onus of growing the sport side of bowling falls on the TBA.

Where did anyone say it is AMF's job to do anything? If new people try bowling as a result of AMF opening new centres then good but it is NOT because AMF are trying to help bowling. It is because AMF are trying to make money. They are not trying to give people the opportunity to bowl and stick with the sport.

Why did they sponsor the Masters? Nothing but a publicity stunt, again to make more money.

AMF is run as a business and it appears to be doing well. Thats great and good luck to them but don't believe for a minute that they do it for the sport.
...annnnd back on topic, Id just like to extend a 'Congratulations' to all my fellow bowlers at Illawarra who have been bowling well as of late, especially Freddy, finally shooting his first 300. Wish I could have seen it, may there be many more to come.

Hey Jen,

I wish I was there to see Fred's 300 too. He waited a very long time and finally at 74 he does it.

There is hope for me yet at 45!
I have never come close enough to a 300 yet and always relate it to a hole in one in golf. I understand the logic some centers put in place (set an oil pattern that give good scores so people feel good and come back). But are all 300s equal. If you bowl a 300 on a "ditch", is it equal to throwing one at a ranked tournament. Maybe its time to bring in two perfect game categories. Social 300 and Tournament 300. I might suggest the local Golf Club increase the size of the hole on each green to about 3 foot so I can get a Hole in One and make me feel all good inside.

With all that said. Well Done to those who bowled the 300s.
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