Jon K

Greetings all - just like to congratulation Alistair Howard on shooting his first 300 game last night in the under 25 superleague at Hyperbowl. Big Al has been bowling super recently and following last weeks 9 bagger has followed it up this week with an outstanding 300 - way to go big al.

Great to see al in some good form with Rachuig just around the corner.

PS Yes, al, you won the high game jackpot for the night. :wink:


Jon King
Hey Al

Congrats on the 300 buddy. You are a champ and you kick some butt at Rachuig.

Well done and I am sure there are plenty more to come.

Congrats again

From Kel & Rob :D
Bout time Al .... now you can pitch in $50 at the Bankstown Sports Club on those damn coin machines, rather than me having to pitch in :^)
AL....... How good are you??

Bout time you got one up on the scoreboard :) Good to see

Make sure they keep coming!!

Luv Lil Leisa xxxx
Big Al

It's great to see that you have finally cracked the big 300 - Congrats.

Keep up the great bowling and I'm sure we will see many more to come in the future.

All the best from everyone involved with the Qld De Veer team.
Daniel "Speedbump" Simpson.
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