
Congrats to all the competitors over the weekend rolling off for the ACT & Southern Youth team. The two teams are made up by the following people.
Girls: Leanne Prenzel, Michelle Tonks, Tracey Lee Wightman and Kylie Marsich.

Boys: Rob Townsend, Andrew Blissett, Jeff Whitty and Keiran Mott.

Crongrats to all who made the team and special congrats to the young blokes from the Hampson stable. :wink:
Well i had the fortunate pleasure of watching some of the trials over the weekend

There was some great scoring by most of the bowlers

With only 6 Ladies and 7 Men was always going to be a little hard for some i believe the top 3 boys all above the 205 mark

Most of all i must congratulate all bowlers on their Attitudes shown nice to see 13 bowlers over 18 games with no Attitude - Congrats guys
greetings from perth

bloody hell scoops i bet you miss being here, all those games with no attitude. we cant bowl a couple of frames without it creeping in .
keep up the good work over there mate and talk soon

:p :p :p
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