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  1. B

    Stephen Ball 300

    Congratulations to Stephen Ball who last night bowled his first 300. Well done mate.
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    Don't sweat it?

    I have always gotten oil out of my ball by sweating it (either putting it out in the sun or in front of a light or something like that), but I heard that you shouldn't do this as it can be bad for the ball, especially the core. Any ideas? :?
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    who are your picks for melbourne?

    With the National just a few days away, who does everyone think will win the Masters? I think that with the way Trent Cage played at City Of Sydney he'll be hard to beat, but Stephen Cowland and Matt Sing are always up there, and especially since Matt Sing's the defending champ.
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    forest hill lanes

    Does anyone know what type of lane surface the Forest Hill centre is (ie. synthetic, timber)? I need to decide what balls to take down for the nats, so if anyone knows the surface, could you plz tell me?
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    Ebonite apex series

    For those people who like Ebonite, wihch ball of the apex series or other Ebonite ball is your favourite? And please, no insults about Ebonite.
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    Wrist guards

    Are wrist guards a good idea? I have an adjustable wrist guard that allows you to cup your wrist, change side roll etc. Some people say that they restrict your revs, and in the long-term it would be better not to use it. Any ideas?
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    forward roll

    Could someone tell me whether getting more forward roll on a ball creates a greater amount of skid, or makes it hook earlier? Also, does it get a greater amount of carry?
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    Dots or arrows

    When I bowl I aim at the dots on the lane but I am thinking of changing to aiming at the arrows. This is mainly due to the fact that spares like the 10 pin have no dots where I need to aim, and becuase my drift can be inconsistent, I find that aiming closer magnifies the amount I miss the spare...
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