There are 3 OR 4 TEAMS of P.T.B.League trying to get the top spot to win $500 cash prize and this is the second round. The last and final round will win $5,000 cash prize who ends up on top of the ladder this year .All teams will recieved cash prizes at the end of the season.All the prizes will be given at the Presentation Night and all the memebers are free includes food and drinks. So guys, who ever wants to join next year league lets us know or you can form your own team of 4(four) and a substitute. You can contact this people Bernie G. ,Leo T., Nes B. ,Chris C. ,Romie G. ,Alister M. ,Roxan M. ,Ceazar Z. or anyone that you know who play in P.T.B.L at AMFChadstone
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