Tasmanian Newsletter


Active Member
As Jayson mentioned in another post, we are going to attempt to get a newsletter running to cover events, news and whatever else we can think of across the State.

I would appreciate it if you could either email me with any suggestions for what you would like to read about and see in the newsletter, or alternatively leave them in a reply here.

Some of things we have already include:
-Bowler Profile
-Tournament Results
-Upcoming tournaments
-Coaching Tips

We are going to do our best to make sure every aspect of the sport in the State is covered, including De Veer and ATBSO so if anyone could offer help in regards to these areas, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also any ideas as to a suitable name would be lovely! I will try and come up with a prize for the best name received as well... I will get back to everyone on that.

Anyways don't hesitate to contact me or Jayson in regard to this. We are looking at getting an issue out every month and hopefully, with your help, the first one will be out for July.
I think this newsletter will be good for bowling in Tasmania and the bowlers. Especially for newcomers like me who have no idea what is going on! lol

good luck with it all and i hope it works out!

Luv Em
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