The Reggae

New Member
How proud are we??????

TWO "allstar" teams in two months, not bad for someone who would never make it! Well it looks like you've certainly silenced the critics and made them ALL eat their words.

Taya we are sooooo proud of you and hope to see you keep it up in the future. Maybe that lucky shirt won't be too far off if you put your head down and continue the way you are ;)

We love you heaps Poggie
Your very jealous BIG brother Bradley Reggars (who's only made 1 allstar team)
Your very proud BIG sister Rachel Reggars
Your little niece Shontay Reggars
& Your little nephew Khynan Reggars
Thank you guys. It really means alot to me to that you all are very proud of me.

I will try to keep up the good work and hopefully one day soon I will have one of those shirts that my BROTHER thinks he will have to give to me :cool:

I couldnt have done this without my FAMILY and FRIENDS so thank you all.


P.S Thanks Jason but I dont beleive my sister was bragging! I think she was just showing how proud she is of me and the last time I checked that wasnt a crime.
The Reggae said:
P.S. forgot to say

yea nice effort taya if that nomad fella had ne balls he would write somethin here or even his name
The Reggae said:
How proud are we??????

TWO "allstar" teams in two months, not bad for someone who would never make it! Well it looks like you've certainly silenced the critics and made them ALL eat their words.

Good Bowling BABE Dad & I are very Proud of you keep up the GOOD Work
It was a Great Weekend well done Redcliffe Management and Staff for all your Great Work & What a BUNCH of CHAMPIONS we have at ASPLEY BOWL :cool:
The Reggae said:
P.S. forgot to say


Thanks Sissy for all your support :grin:

And thank you to everyone who has congratulated me. It really means alot.

Take care all.

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