no TV and now NO KEGEL ????


Staff member
well .. I heard along the grapevine a while back that there will be no more TV of any Super Six events. This has been confirmed earlier this week by AMF.

I've now just heard that they are not going to be using the Kegel next weekend at the NSW Open. Can anyone confirm this ?
Housten we have a problem.........
Thats right no TV and at this stage No person at AMF has approached Dennis Burge to look after the lane conditions at Bankstown.

Warren Stewart regional manager is dead set against any outside person laying down a condition at an AMF event. Better ask him why that is so.

My thoughts: this was the time that Australia could have entered the real world in setting FIQ based, sport bowling based lane conditions for some of our major tournaments.
Garry O'Neil made the first step in paying an outside expert using the latest kegel technology for the last Super 6 event. Also he instigated the TV for the Australian Open. With him leaving for a new job in the US I am afraid no one at AMF maybe capable of making the big decisions that this sport needs.

I'm sure the condition will be fine, whatever it is we all have to bowl on it.

I'm sick if making excuses why I scored bad and to be honest sick of hearing why someone else scored big, lets all give our best and start recognising the feats of those bowlers who do work it out, funny thing about this game, the guy or gal who knocks over the most pins is the winner, crazy how some of us including myself have worked out that 'such and such only won because...' well the only reason is that they knocked over more wood. period.
good luck to everyone.
One can only hope that AMF take note of the fact that the latest PBA Foundation Tournament bowled this weekend was a sell out. A full field of 90 bowlers bowling on multiple conditions. Kegel machinery, Kegel cleaners, and Kegel oil.

Two patterns, short to 32 feet and long to 41 feet. It took a qualifying score of +14 to make the cut (16th for 10 games).

Initial qualifying was 5 games on the short pattern then a clean and re-oil to the long pattern for the second five games.
For the finals half the lanes were oiled short and half long. Based on where they qualified they then bowled a 16 team league schedule which meant moving from short to long or vice versa. Weber was the top qualifier so he got to choose the pair on which to bowl. The winner however was Jason Queen, who bowled 225 to Webers' 190.

If ever AMF wanted a recommendation for either Kegel equipment or sport conditions, surely this was it. I wonder how many there will be in the field at Bankstown...
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