Live Scores at Cannington Classic

At Cannington I am looking at the possibility of providing frame by frame scores of all the scores during matchplay.

The scores would be updated every 30 seconds.

This would be a world first.

Istill have a lot of programming to do but it appears possible that Graham and I will be able to achieve this.

I also may be able to show after qualifying all the frame scores of all the bowlers

Stay tuned for further details.

Comments Please!!!!!

Ian Nicholls
I believe this would be a great idea. It can keep coaches and other interested people upto date with the bowlers scores frame by frame.

Awesome stuff is all i can say. :D

Unfortunatley it wouldn't be a world first. The PBA currently offer live scoring from round 3 on wards. The page refreshes every 30 seconds on their site.

I welcome the idea here though, especially if the scores are close, its good for the spectators to keep an eye on things. Perhaps you can check out the PBA for the format, their's is real impressive.

I for one hope you work it out before the Cannington Classic - I make a rule of thumb NEVER to announce something before it is known that it works. Good luck tho :) It will be a nice addition to the live scores.
yes they do :D

They have one page which allows to to scroll down and watch every match, frame by frame. Because their format is best of 7 or 9 games you can also see the games scores prior to the current one and see who is in the lead at that particular time.

There are some real nail biters, I try and watch them as much as I can. Early tomorrow morning you should be able to watch Round3 of a PBA that is on at Reno at the moment.

Just go to the PBA home page, there should be a link from there
Thanks for saying that George.
I was going to say something but i thought i might get shouted at.

I still think that it is a very good idea and would help bowlers around Australia get a better feeling of whats going on here in cannington.
I agree with David, it would be great if Cannington got some exposure. It would attract more people for future years.

I think its a good idea, would love to see how it will turn out.

Just wondering what happened to the FRAME by FRAME live scoring? I know Graham isn't there, but did somebody jump the gun or... ?
Frame by Frame Scores are not possible at Cannington due to the bowl still using Advantage Scoring System.

Maybe at the AO - depends on the Internet Connection

To do frame by frame I need the Scoring system to be ComputerScore like Sunshine, Woodville or at Moorabbin for the SPC and also the center to have a Broadband Connection.

Ian Nicholls
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