
Entries for the 2003 Cara Honeychurch Summer Camp at Canberra International Bowl (8th-11th December 03) are going gangbusters with participants from WA; North Qld; and NSW and of course the ACT already registered and YES there could be a strong contingent from New Zealand. There are still a few places left to learn from this great bowler and find out just what made her so successful. So please register your interest by emailing your name, address and phone number to the organisers ... [email protected]. The Camp promises to be instructive and great FUN!
The Camp is for Junior Bowlers under the age of 18 years. The cost for the 4 day Camp is $240-00pp which includes Breakfast & Lunch but EXCLUDES accom. and dinner which we are negotiating a special rate with the AIS. We expect to have all details finalised within the next 14 days. The Camp is limited to 30 entrants that Cara and her team of coaches can provide personal attention. Her goal with the Camp is help EVERY participant improve their all round game.
Cara wishes all participants in the Summer Camp to know that she will be joined by professional bowler Maxine Nable as instructors in the Summer Camp. This Camp promises to be the best 'ever' junior bowling camp held in Australia. There are still 10 places open before the cut off so there's still time to enter this unique opportunity to learn from the very best lady Australian bowlers. Entries to be forwarded by email to:-
[email protected] i was just wondering if anyone knows if the accomadation has been finalised...if so, how much is that goin to cost!?!
Thanxz guys...
We apologise for the short delay in publishing all the details in relation to Cara's Summer Camp. Rather than put out incomplete information we would like all the information (including the full 4 day activity schedule) to be published at the same time to allow all prospective attendees to have the total picture. Cara, being the professional that she is, wants to make sure that we have crossed all the 't's' and dotted all the i's before publishing the details. By Wednesday the 27th August 2003 all these details will be finalised and placed on this site. Thanks for your patience guys...this will be the BEST bowling camp EVER!
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