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  1. D

    Anthony Marshall - 300

    I would like to say a big congratulations to Tony for bowling his first 300 at Caboolture on Sunday night! On behalf of the Sunday NiteOwls I'd like to say we're very proud of your achievement and glad that you have been such justly rewarded for the excellent form you've been since the start of...
  2. D

    How did we survive?

    How did we survive? Looking back, it's hard to believe that we actually lived as long as we have. My mum used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayonnaise on the same cutting board with the same knife (and no bleach!) but we didn't get food poisoning. My mum used to defrost hamburger...
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    What is the truest definition of globalisation?

    Question: What is the truest definition of globalisation? Answer: Princess Diana's death Question: How come? Answer: An english Princess with an egyptian boyfriend crashes in a french tunnel, driving a german car with a dutch engine, driven by a belgian who was drunk on scottish whiskey (fake...
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