
Merging Agile and Off shoring - Possible or impossible?

Agile methodology gives great importance to communication between the various people involved in software development. The method lays a lot of emphasis on improving communication through personal interactions and face-to-face communication between all the people involved in the app development process. The physical proximity is the main point of the agile methodology. According to the propagators of this concept, a development team does a lot better if its knit closely together.


However, most companies today believe in offshore development of their software. This concept allows companies to outsource their software development to cost effective countries and save on time and money resources. While agile methodology concentrates on physical proximity, the concept of off shoring software development does not consider the distance factor at all as long as the services are cost effective and time saving. Also, offshore software development company have a well planned and settled approach; where the requirements or designs are sent over to be constructed, so there is no interactive face-to-face communication or discussion as such.

The two concepts are quite contrary to each other. But it is not impossible to have them both clubbed together. Using agile methodology in an offshore setting may not be easy but many offshore software development companies, including us, have been able to use agile approach as much as possible and the results have been great so far.

Using agile and off shoring together is beneficial in a lot of ways. Through personal interactions and discussions( using whichever medium), the product created is of the highest quality and standard, and also the qa outsourcing its development can relish the benefits of saved time and money at the same time.

Software Development in India
India has always been a favorite destination for software development, be it because of the cost advantage, the time benefit or the confidence in the analytical and mathematical skills of India. Being an Indian and a software engineer, I am in agreement of everything stated above.

What started as a place to get cheap software developers has now transformed its image to becoming one of the largest software solutions provider to the world. At present India exports software’s to 70 countries worldwide and is not just treated as a software outsourcing hub and mobile app development, but is also regarded highly for its innovation and creativity in the software services and products industry.

Outsourcing software development to India is now easier than ever. With companies adopting the latest technologies for audio/video conferencing, working timings suiting the client companies time-zone and periodically upgrading their skill sets with available certifications and other skill courses, working in the remote is now the same as working with staff in the same office.


MAG Studios is big in software outsourcing projects, with its founders having:
  • More than 35+ man-years in implementing software solutions both within India and overseas.
  • Actual work experience from the USA, UK and Australia
  • Education qualifications of software engineering and PHD’s in business administration, our management
  • Experience in working with Fortune 500 companies
  • Google Adwords and Microsoft certified staff
If you are looking to get a software solution developed without compromising on the quality of delivery, but also keeping a check on your cash outflow, contact MAG Studios today.

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November 4
Miami Beach
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Jeremy Sanmiguel
App Developer




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