Recent content by greeny

  1. G

    2011 Sydney Youth Cup

    Hey Leanne can you please put nick and jon green and michael craig in b squad please, thanks
  2. G

    2011 Geelong Youth Cup

    Hey Can you please remove mitch negus, sorry
  3. G

    2011 Geelong Youth Cup

    Hi can you please add mitch negus down for reserve B squad and into A squad please, Thanks NIck
  4. G

    2011 Geelong Youth Cup

    Hey if it is possible can you please add nicholas green and michael craig to B squad, thanks
  5. G

    Asian Schools Team to head to Malaysia

    goodluck kyle and chloe keep up the great bowling
  6. G

    2010 Youth Roll off's?

    so are the noimnation forms out yet?
  7. G

    2010 Youth Roll off's?

    So quick question are rolls still due on next weekend on the 3rd and 4th of july????? as the calender says
  8. G

    2010 Youth Roll off's?

    When are the forms for the youth ACT roll offs going to be up? Thanks
  9. G

    Hey Leanne Can you please take me and Jon of the list for sydney youth cup unforanetly we...

    Hey Leanne Can you please take me and Jon of the list for sydney youth cup unforanetly we cant get the time off work now, really sorry.
  10. G

    2010 Challenege Sydney Youth Cup

    Hey can you please add nick and jon green in A squad please
  11. G

    Sharp Champion of Champions

    hey can you please take my name off i cant take the time off work sorry bout that
  12. G

    Sharp Champion of Champions

    and my number is 62516966
  13. G

    Sharp Champion of Champions

    Hey can you please add nick green to a squad please thanks
  14. G

    2009 Columbia 300 Youth Cup

    hi can you put down jon green please thanks
  15. G

    2009 K & K Classics

    hi can you please put nick green into c squad i will pay my depoist tomorrow thanks
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