Recent content by chloe_p

  1. C

    Kelvin Mueller 300 in the dark!

    kelvin: well done, practice or not, u still had to get 12 strikes! matt: i bowled a 300 as well...8-no-tap hahahaha, nah seriously matt, get over it, it's still a good game practice or not... chloe
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    Victorian East Coast Awards

    Graham Pearson also came 2nd in the mens graded masters!
  3. C

    Happy 16th rebecca whiting

    happy birthday bec, best wishes chloe..
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    hehe happy birthday bec! im going to make sure u have an awesome night tonight!!! and by the sounds of it, its going to be me looking after u for once! see u soon, love chloe
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    National University Games

    havent heard anything about it at RMIT either...
  6. C

    Make a sentence

    I slapped a goat because I can't control myself
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    Your version on the St.Kildav Fremantle game

    being a saints fan, im very disappointed! the game isnt over until the ump blows his whistle and raises his arms, as everyone else has pointed out and that didnt happen until after bakes got to take his kick again...
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    Devonport Juniors Star at Nationals

    Well done girls! All 3 of you certainly have improved by miles since I saw you last year at the Nationals! Keep up the great bowling! Love Chloe (from VIC)
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    Werribee WJTBA Junior 2006 Victorian Cup

    Hey, can you please put me into B squad. deposit and entry form sent off soon! thanks, chloe pearson
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    Congrats Chloe Pearson

    hehe yay go me! thanks everyone who supported me this weekend... was my first individual tournament and i cried lol how embarrassing!!!!
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    Everybody's Job?

    hehe i work for clark rubber! coool clarkeeee!! my manager wanted me to even wear a platypus costume...haha...but i didnt do it...
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    How smart are you?

    thanks, got them all now :D
  13. C

    How smart are you?

    hey everyone, got 21/24 on the 2nd test, 3 to go and its driving me crazy... does anyone know what the following are? they r probably the easiest knowing me :D 8 B in a B 17 S in a H P 1 7 S H in the W thanks, chloe
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    East Coast Challange Cup

    i reckon im going to have a shot this year...hahaha we'll see what happens :p
  15. C

    Dodgy Christmas presents from hell!!!

    i reckon my dad would win this...from his brother he got a figurine thing of a piece of ****...apparently theres a whole series of them called 'the turds'...pretty sad and dodgy if u ask me!
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