Who are you????




This isn't a very interesting topic, and not for most ppl, but there's someone on here that goes by the name of "JYNX" and they say that their from Shellharbour, but no-one from Shellharbour knows who you are... so yeah... just wondering who you are, don't mean to be nosey, just wondering who i'm talking to....

Hayli xoxox
And can you tell us what league your in if you bowl at shellharbour coz we wanna know who you are!!!

Seea guys...
Yeh i think there's a few of us that wants to know who u r, coz I know for a fact no one has an arsenal like u suposibly have (trauma recovery (storm)trauma ER (storm)Tour Power (storm)Super Power (storm)Rock-on (columbia)& a storm Basketball (spare ball)!!
So let us in on who u really are.
Hello evryone, I m me and thats all u people need to know,
, so how bout ya's start guessing coz if ya dont know by now then u never will.
Hi jynx...

yeah we've all had our guesses when talking to eachother, but none of us can figure out who from shellharbour has all of the balls you said you did!!! so sum1 is lying a bit here!!

and just a question... do you know all of us that are asking??

THe only person i can think of is rossco he has a similar arsenal but apart from him ?????????????????????????

Maybe he's lyin oh well seeas
Nah i don't think it is Roscoe

Me and him are friends, and in the other subject, he payed me out, Ross wouldn't do that

Not him.....unles im mistaken
I was pondering the same thing....Could this Jynx person live in Shellharbour but bowl somewhere else for some weird reason?
Yeah good point Big B....

Accept that if you live in Shellharbour all of the other bowling alleys around here are a bit far away... but hey you never know...

hey everyone
k this hasnt got nefin to do wit jynx but i just wanted to knwo who sweet candy is
thnx folks
Nar it wouldnt be ross, he has only got like 3 of those balls, and he wouldnt lie about having the others, he doesnt need to he's good enuff with out them.
Hey Boobs
You will just have to find out who i am wont ya!! Anyway why does it matter?
im just curious who u r cause i cant think of neone
what part of nsw u from?????
hey haylz i know what u mean about someone living in shellharbour would bowl at shellharbour cos its closer, but look at u! u dont exactly live close to shellharbour bowl now do ya haha. and jamie lives in the shellharbour area but bowls in warrawong, so there goes ya theory there! it could very well be someone outside shellharbour bowl but i doubt it!
the only one i can think of is rosscoe. it couldnt be neil and roscoe together could it?? give us some clues jynx!
just a question to, isnt everyone supposed to leave there name on at least one post so people know who u r? none of this hide behind the name business???
big b who are u?? i know u r from nowra but which one are u?
Hey peoples...

i wanna know 2 things

1. Who is SWEET CANDY and
2. Who is Jynx. It wouldn't be Ross coz theyz payed me out on the other subject bout me, and ross wouldn't do that.

oh btw Leanne....Big B is Brett Hall


Well, i am not from Sydney if that is any help. The rest remains a mystery!!!!!
hey leanne!! yeah i guess i do live a bit out of the way huh hehehe but this JYNX person says in his/her info that they class their home centre as Shellharbour...so there ya go....
seeya xox
so have we found out who jynx is yet?? and im pretty sure sweet candy's name is out of the bag! correct me if im wrong but is it stacey buckton (sorry bout the spelling) as i said correct me if im wrong!
now jynx come on and tell us who u r!
Ok, im guessing games up, sam & brad found out who i m and if they havent told everyone yet then I might aswell. You's have all guessed who I m, its me Roscoe. ok now you's know!!
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