Wheres the fingers Wise man? nice 5-7-10



278 and then a 5-7-10 in the next game leaving you with a 190 lol good on ya Garry And Against Kassey and I as well


Love Kara
The WISEMAN 5-7-10 :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Amazing how we spent 3 games in lock-in trying to leave one then BOOM up she comes - Must have been that Ray Tilla shot you were practicing the other night :wink:
Kind of puts my 4-5-7-10 with an 8lb ball off the 1st board in lock in to shame :lol:
Hehehehe.......Let's just hope it doesn't happen during Rachuig. Now that could be slightly embarressing.. :oops:
There was a song that came out in the 80's and it had lyrics like "something burning".....and i do beleive it aint your fingers there garyy??>....hahhahaha
good work mate :)
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