Webber 298


New Member
Andrew (Freak) Lloyd shot a 298 last night at Blacktown on lanes 1 & 2 - no doubt the toughest pair in the house...

Well done Captain - looking good for ECCC in a few weeks time ;)
Well done Webber

You are a CHAMP...

That's it mate get rid of it all before East Coast :):):):):):)..

Take care buddy and see you in a few weeks..

Noddy & Twwety.
Go Webber! The way he was throwing it last night, i wouldnt be surprised if there is another one around the corner...
Congrat's Andrew on a huge game...it look's like everyone
is pretty pumped and raring to go in the lead up to the
East Coast Challenge....with all these huge games and
great series being served up for Entree's....i cant wait to
see what gets served for Main course....we look forward
to seeing more of that down here in a couple of weeks...;)

Cheers Mary & Barry
Hey Lloydster,
What did you leave, the 5-7 or a flush 6-8.Knowing you, the 6-8. Well done champ.
I would love to say it was a pocket 7-10 or a flush 6-8, but in reality it was just a big fat choke! SIGHHH!!
Typical... No luck on the left!!:>)
Hey Lloydster,
Were you wearing those Stevie Wonder glasses. If you were, no wonder you didn't shot 300. "I just called to say I love you."
Talk soon if you still have my number.
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