WDV 2006


Active Member
Go kick ass again people we own the title lets bring it back to Victoria again 2005-2006.......:eek:nfire:

Good Luck to all bowling this year.

Go Vic's..............................................:D

Get it right gazza...
u dont own the mens title thats a nsw cup...

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Yea ok you guy's have the Men's title .............:(

But we do own...........see below!

We own the whole dam shooting match...............:eek:nfire:


Well 2005 anyway..............................;)
Good luck to the Vic team this year in Tassie. This is the year you can go one better and bring the men's cup back as well!! :p
The team this year looks very promising despite a couple of things not quite working out but I think it has just made them more determined.
Unfortunately Grumpy had to pull out as assistant coach due to our new business venture which as luck would have it meant that we actually start the take over process next Monday. We're dissappointed that we can't make it but on the other hand we are very excited.
I also feel that a special mention must go to David Groves who pulled out of the team due to work commitments. He did this knowing that he was off to Switzerland but uncertain of the departure date. Well as luck would have it, he is not leaving for another couple of weeks. He made his decision based on what he thought would be the best decision for the team and not for himself. This is the attitude I feel of a true team bowler. It's a very rare quality in a person and for this David, you should be acknowledged. =D> =D>
Once again good luck to the team and we will be keeping track of your success..........
Grumpy & Dizzy
Just wanted to say well done to Peter Formosa on making Team of the Year and to Roger De Witt on his 2nd place in Restricted Cup ( Bugger next time Roger ) and once again to the Girls on the WIN yet again............................:multi:

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