TotalBowling and AMF part ways...


Staff member
After more than 7 years AMF has announced it is cutting ties with TotalBowling to seek out new pursuits.

AMF are looking to cut back on Advertising costs and run their tournament entries, and their Tournaments Managers will be managing these through existing channels such as their own website and in-centre.

I think this is a setback for bowling as this site has proven to be a great link for both bowlers and tournaments over the years.

I have tried to negotiate on different levels with AMF to keep them involved with TotalBowling but to no avail.

Total Bowling would like to thank AMF for their continued support for nearly the past 8 years.

If you don't think its a great idea you can always pass on your concerns to:

Jennifer Laycock; [email protected]
AMF have a website ??....shows you how much I know....where is it advertised other than possibly here.

I'm sorry I think its a step backwards for AMF in this country. Where else can you get across your message to bowlers in Australia besides this site.
This is another blow for the tournament bowler...sad to see that AMF has now decided to virtually disassociate themselves from the serious bowler in an effort to turn our great sport into a mere recreational pursuit. Makes one wonder how long it will be before they pull the plug on the Super Six circuit as well.
Social play is where the money is.

Surprised they have stuck at it this long when you look at the dwindling tournament numbers over the last few years.

This move will only see less entries for tournaments, if there are any tournaments at all.

Of course AMF have a website. And if I ever want a hot dog and fries deal, I'll visit it. It's not much use to real bowlers...
Thought AMF was all for bowling going forward?????
This just seems like a big step backwards

Another kick in the backside for the tournament bowler

Why do we bother!!!!!!!

I've already emailed Jennifer at AMF and told her what I thought of the decision. You should all do the know what they say about the squeaky wheel and the oil. know what they say about the squeaky wheel and the oil.
No I don't, is it that the oil has total disregard for the squeaky wheel, and seeks out a nice, quiet, hot dog and fries niche market instead?

Mmmmm hot dog and fries.....
amf doesnt really care for tournments they killed off the grand prix series years ago but if anyone is to blame everyone should blame macquarie leisure group who brought amf all they want is social bowling only because i do know that amf leagues are under threat as well
I too have emailed Jennifer to express my concerns on this decision as it will only further hurt the already dying state of tournaments in Australia, to me investing your money to advertise both tourneys and social is just common sense??????? Private centres aren't taking any of AMF's market....There giving it too them.
I too have emailed Jennifer to express my concerns on this decision as it will only further hurt the already dying state of tournaments in Australia, to me investing your money to advertise both tourneys and social is just common sense???????

Yeah but you know what they say, common sense isn't that common.
I emailed Jennifer as well, hope it helps.
Does that mean no AMF run events will be posted or advertised on here at all?

For example, AO, Nationals, SPC... ?
Very dissappointing. It wasn't all that long ago that the "What's the score" magazine was 75% article's.

Im not a fan of people who use and dump people when they think they are no longer required.

Shame that some pushing a Mont Blanc pen sitting behind a MLE desk doesn't have the same attribute's when setting up a business model.
Below is the email i just sent to AMF regarding this issue.

Feedback and comment about further points or things i have missed would be interesting to hear.

To whom it may concern.

This is email correspondence concerning the recent setup of your website and the now removal of all details, squad listing and all other relevant info in relation to the AMF run major tournaments in this country.

It baffles me, along with the entire bowling community, I am sure, that you have taken the decision to remove all information regarding the major events in our sport away from the most revered, viewed and committed website for our sport. This is clearly an approach taken with no consideration to the elite level in this country and appears a blind, thought lacking decision made purely to benefit AMF and no other stakeholders in this industry, most importantly the main stakeholder, the bowlers themselves.

Why would you even contemplate such a move of this nature when 99.9% of ALL bowlers at the level to compete in such events frequent to remain informed and discuss improvements and the betterment of our sport, which I will add, is struggling more than ever to remain in focus and in this country and develop future stars of the sport we all love?

It is clear to me that all you want at Macquarie is the bottom line and show no care or consideration for tournament bowling and just want social walkthrough and birthday parties because it improves the profit margins, but what you fail to realise, is the by enhancing the tournament scene with positive publicity and support, then these facets of the business will actually improve dramatically by bringing publicity and awareness of the sport to the broader community. All you have served to do here in this instance is further destabilise and fracture the sport, and sadly if these types of things and your businesses attitude towards the elite level of the sport continues, then the sport in general is in grave trouble.

This decision needs to be revised, and revised urgently, for the sake of tournament bowling around the country.

On a final note, remember one thing! The sport is not owned by your company and is not yours to play with like a kid in the backyard, it is, and always will be owned and enjoyed by the bowler who comes into a centre and spends their hard-earned on what they enjoy. Don't lose sight of that, and then you won't lose site of your precious bottom line.


Jason Scott
A bowler.
well i think its a sure way to kill all uprising amount of tournaments for ppl in all AMF centres and is giving AMF a bad name terrible shame totalbowling would be the only website that i would recommend to anyone about tournament info.
In the years i have been a member here i can tell you that its a pleasue to have the amount of info on tournaments on this web site not only in brisbane but nationally and internationally to think i haven't bowled many but hell i qoute (johncena sorry guys)(" I THINK TO MYSELF THAT ONE DAY") I CAN BOWL HEAPS OF TOURNAMENTS
and with out TB how else would i know
My God, how bad is AMF going in this Country, I worked for AMF for many years and I left working in Bowling Centres because I thought it wasn't secure, it must really be in trouble for them not to Advertise with the only worthwhile Computer site in Australia. I know they stopped Advertising many years ago in local Newspapers to save money, probably Explains Why we never get any news coverage on Bowling.

I've watched a once mighty force in this Country, slowly become smaller and smaller, through one silly move after another, this doesn't take the Cake as I have seen sillier moves by AMF in the past, the ever increasing Game charges would have to be the silliest, increasing game charges with decreasing Patronage, Genius!

Well what can I say this has to be the most rediculous thing I have seen from AMF and let me tell you I have seen alot of stupid things come from them but what are they thinking.

We all know that the sport is struggling at the moment and this is just another kick in the nuts for all us bowlers as we now have to go to a website that i didnt even know excisted to find out tournament info UMMMM WHY TB is the best most informative site for bowlers It surely cant be a cost thing as I have seen what they charge for games fro social tournament and league games and they cant say they arnt making money if they are saying its a cost issue they are liers

I think Jase and his mods do a fantastic job with TB and to have this happen now is a JOKE after 8 years of great advertising and exposure they say thanks but no thanks. It just doesnt cut it with me and other bowlers

All i have left to say on the matter is good luck with filling tournaments at AMF now as i know that 99.9% of bowlers would look at this site first and when they cant see the info they wont be filing spots so :rip: to AMF tournament bowling casue its not going to easy from here on in

To Jase and his team Keep up the great work without this site where would bowling in OZ be you guys do a thankless job time and time again and I am saying thanks for the huge effort you put in and I look forward to reading the forums for a long time to come

Just my 2cents

Scott Fryer
Dissapointing and im very angry at the moment. Like what a lot of other people have said, Total Bowling have done a wonderful job over the years in providing tournament info,squad listings etc,whether its AMF or Non AMF centres. I put my name down For the AO in Melbourne thru Total bowling a few days ago,THe AMF website couldnt give me any info on squad listings and whether im bowling in the allocated squads i have put my name down for. AMF should re-consider there decision if they want me to participate this coming weekend.

Glen Anderson.
Firstly I have to say that this is a great site for promoting the sport, there is no doubt about that. It allows bowlers at all levels to know what's going on and keep everyone in touch. I don't know how much AMF were paying to advertise on this site, but I am guessing that in the grand scheme of things it wasn't much.


You have to look at it from AMF's side as well. You're always going to get people on here raving about how AMF should keep promoting tournaments no matter what and all the rest of it - which is great because it shows there is still passion for the sport. But tournaments don't make AMF money and social bowlers (and the vast majority of league bowlers as well) don't visit this site. Why would you keep throwing money into something which isn't viable, especially in today's business environment. "Elite" bowlers represent maybe 1% of the entire bowling population at best and whilever AMF sponsored/run tournaments fail to pull numbers, this sort of thing will be the result.

Bowling is not a charity and you cannot expect the hand outs to continue in tournaments forever. Companies like AMF sponsor events to get something out of it - revenue or exposure. In this environment it is not for goodwill or because the sport is a charity case.

If bowling is going to turn around, the focus needs to change from "what can they do for us", to "what can we bring to the table for them to make tournaments and leagues attractive". If you continue down the old usual path you will get the same old usual results - and they aren't good.
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