The Wrestling Thread

Just stumbled across some of these. From the religion we all knew loved and wanted to be part of - Some Classic MATTITUDE Facts:

Matt has beaten Undertaker 2 straight times.
Mattitude is practiced in 100 countries.
Matt Hardy's bedtime is 4 am.
Matt Hardy always got more candy than his brother.
Matt likes english muffins.
Matt hates cold weather.
Matt scored 1330 on his SATs.
Matt only drinks lowfat chocolate milk.
Matt keeps the room temperature at a toasty 75 degrees.
Matt's IQ is 139.
Matt is a great juggler.
Matt is his father's favorite child.
Matt was always on the honor roll.
Matt was the MVP of the '99 No Mercy ladder match.
Matt always sticks to his new years resolutions.
Matt loves EggNog-Hates Fruitcake.
Matt Knows How To Solve A Rubik's Cube.
Matt has a heated toilet seat.
Matt likes pulp in his orange juice.
Matt was in the academically gifted class in elementary school.
Matt Strongly Dislikes Mustard.
Matt was the longest surviving Smackdown superstar in the Royal Rumble.
Matt always gets more valentines than his brother.
Matt is annoyed by snow and ice.
Matt takes hot tea with milk and sweetener.
Matt's pants are a size 34 in the waist.
Matt thinks sweet potatoes are delicious.
Matt enjoys looking at pictures in Playboy.
Matt considers himself a sex symbol.
Matt graciously included Shannon in his book.
Matt is Shannon's idol.
Mattitude will make Wrestlemania a success.
Matt is the star of the Hardy Boyz book.
Matt often wonders how they did Wrestlemania without him.
Matt was the only Hardy to wrestle at Wrestlemania this year.
Matt has read his book 12 times.
Matt thinks his match at Wrestlemania was the best.
Matt sleeps in the nude.
Matt is currently the longest reigning singles champion on Smackdown.
Matt really digs his book.
Matt's favorite sushi is freshwater eel.
Matt has over 46 million Mattitude Followers.
Matt Hardy invented Mattitude.
Matt thinks Tajiri weighs too much to be a cruiserweight.
Matt can eat more sushi than Tajiri.
Matt likes his steak medium well.
Matt has more teeth than Benoit.
Matt speaks better English than Funaki.
Matt knows the capital of all the states.
Matt is taller than Rey Mysterio.
Matt is too handsome to wear a mask.
Matt's abs are better than Rikishi's.
Matt's beard is better than Benoit's.
Matt tans wearing only a sock.
Mattitude is considered sacred in Japan.
Matt is twice the wrestler Zach Gowen is.
08-07-2003 Matt puts ketchup on one fry at a time.
Matt is a better commentator than Michael Cole. :D
Matt's opponents often no-show from fear.
Matt hates taking medicine.
Matt has gotten four speeding tickets.
Matt has gotten out of over 20 tickets.
Matt is annoyed by stupid questions.
Matt always drink diet soda.
Matt is more handsome than Christian.
Matt is more Xtreme than Tommy.
Matt's first job was at a car wash.
Matt prefers the window seat on airplanes.
Matt love Mongolian BBQ's.
Matt loves getting stuff for free.
Matt has status on 5 airlines.
Matt has exceptionally long eyelashes.
Matt likes his eggs cooked over easy.
Matt paid cash for his home.
Matt has more money than you do.
Matt is ridiculously underrated.
Matt is not afraid of pain.
oh how we love mattitude....

hes gotta be a champion soon doesnt he. dunno what it is but in my oppinion he is the best goin round at the moment and they are building him up for something. lets hope they dont fizzle it out with some crappy ending.

hornswaggle as champ - gotta laugh dont ya

other than that the bash was a good event. would love to have seen kane walk away champ though. lets face it khali is a shocker. this is a bloke who makes a living wrestling with only a handful of moves and personally i think the champ should at least have a little talent.

matt hardy for champ i say
Matt Hardy wont get to the top until he learns how to talk properly on the microphone. Of course people say wrestling is fake after they see Matt Hardy do a promo, he's worse than Lashley.

I rekon u could nearly take that back after watchin Matt today deadman, lol. He shut up MVP...someone i thought would neva be lost for words. "I'll beat you again and again...and again...and again...and again...AND again. Gotta love that.
I rekon u could nearly take that back after watchin Matt today deadman, lol. He shut up MVP...someone i thought would neva be lost for words. "I'll beat you again and again...and again...and again...and again...AND again. Gotta love that.
well iam sure thats our next U.S champion there in the making what iam i sayin he will be the next champ go matt hardy
hey do any of yous think dx will get back to gether again and raw coming to brisbane 8th november sydney 9th november and melbourn 10th november

i know i am going
hey do any of yous think dx will get back to gether again


When HHH returns he'll be feuding with Orton over the title - yes that means that Cena's reign will end after 340+ days at Summerslam :D

Only one day left til SD/ECW are here in Perth. The card has redeemed itself with both Morrison and Burke coming over. Tis gonna be sweet!!
Good to see Batista in the title picture again on Smackdown.......NOT

This'll be his EIGHTH straight shot at the title.

They should only give Bats the title if the WHC curse is true, the maybe we'll only see a 3week reign out of him. SD misses Edge severely.
Not wrong...maybe should change the title completely...make a smackdown title and hav it in place for the US Title...sumthing like that anyway. If this happens, definetely keep MVP and Hardy goin at it, cause they were fightin ova it first and they're way more entertainin then two big guys who struggle to walk and talk at the same time.
I still prefer Khali as champ rather than Batista........

I know who I'll be cheering for when we see Khali v Batista for the main event tomorrow night!
I actually disagree...Batista in my opinon can hav sum great matches and doesn't hav 2 be fed along by his opponents (like the Hell in a cell match against HHH), while i'm yet to see Khali use more then 10 different moves in a match. All he does is headbutt, pose, chop, pose, chokeslam then pose sum more.
Khali doesn't have to do all those moves. Thats the whole point about being the unstoppable giant he's made out to be.

When was the last time WWE had a complete monster as their champ? (Big Show doesn't count seeing he was still more the joking giant). Yokozuna would be the last one back in 1993. Just think, whoever the guy that defeats Khali will get the rub and boost of a lifetime.
Well, even with the depleted roster the SD/ECW show was fantastic. Khali is freakin huge!! Hornswaggle is hilarious. Finlay was awesome. Batista was really good. Rey made his return and hasn't lost a step in which was probably the best match of the night against Chavo. Morrison flat out rocks (got to see his springboard enziguri kick thing from up close :D). Burke was awesome. Flair was Flair. Masters was impressive. Michelle McCool and Victoria are so hot. Deuce and Domino abused the crowd. Cherry flashed - everything was perfect!! Funniest bit of the night was Hornswaggle trying to chop then chokeslam Kane :D

Waited outside the hotel after the show, Flair, Michelle McCool and Burke were 2ft from us - but wasn't able to get a photo :( then about 30mins later the bus with Khali, Hornswaggle, Finlay, Masters, Bats and of course the one and only TONY CHIMMEL!!! showed up but they all just went straight to their rooms which was fair enough.

Oh one other thing, in between the Chavo/Rey and Khali/Bats match a guy from the crowd tried to crash the ring but got taken down by none other than SD ref Mickey Henson - and if that wasn't enough, as Bats was doing his last turnbuckle pose another jumper pushed him out the way and climbed the buckles instead which again Mickey made short work of him by almost choking the w@nker out. Mickey received a standing ovation from all the crowd which would have been very close, if not over, to 10000 people.

Now some pics from the night:


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Some more pics:


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By the looks of the pics Luke it was a good night if i had the money and didn't have to work last night i would have been there. I will have to try and go to RAW when they go east.
It was an awesome show, the Kane/Finlay match was good, but got better when the little guy came in. Nothing funnier than watching Kane finish off Finlay wearing Hornswaggles little green hat (see one of luke's pics) Chavo/Rey was a great match too, the others were all pretty good too
hey i was their hoo crazy did every-one go when rey mysterios music started good to see him back and great first match back and his knee did give him trouble but he still one

wheir i was stay i saw the superstars when they got their and when they left for the show saw tommy dreamer got a photo with him and saw victoria trip over when walking out and my friend that was their was in the room next to batista

go rey
lookin forward to triple h returning in 25 days at summerslam so can't wait for that cause king booker will be on the reciving end of the one thing that has conquered all that is the pedigree
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