The Dark Knight

I'd like to go see it, cause I love Heath Ledger.
However, I don't know if I'd concentrate on him or the actual movie. I watched 10 things I Hate About You the other day and just couldn't believe he's actually gone.

I'm glad he had an outstanding performance especially because this is his last film, there has been alot of hype and expectation surrounding it and as we all know with hype will come criticism. So at least he did himself proud!

My friend Jared is a comic and movie buff. Like really into them and especially Batman. He's going to see it again this weekend after catching the opening night in Canberra.

He described all performances as excellent with Ledger being oustandingly believable and three dimensional. In his words, Ledger's joker was terrifyingly disturbing and could still make you like him. He found as an audience member he felt Ledger was playing with his head and was enthralled.

I'll go early next week.

Note: This is not a kids movie. It's dark and violent and gritty. Sorry kids, you'll be nightmaring for weeks from what I've heard.
Went and saw it a few days ago when it came out, Heath was so good as the joker, some of the best acting i have seen ever. One to buy for sure, for many reasons....
saw it last night.. 3hrs was a long movie but it was 3 hrs that never got tiring and was interesting the whole time. best acting in it. hetah ledger plated the joker extremely well..
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