Tenpin Bowling Research


Hi all,
I have an honours student who is doing research at the University of Ballarat with me and she has chosen to investigate the relationship between athletic identity and social anxiety for her research project. If you play sport of any kind, you can complete the survey, but I personally am interested in the results for tenpin bowling and I am hoping that some of you would help us boost the responses for tenpin bowling. If you could spare 15 minutes to complete these questionnaires that would be great. Whilst she is focusing on athletes (people who play sport at all levels), if you don't play sport much you are still eligible, but the only other requirment is that you are at least 18 years of age. The survey is completely anonymous and you cannot be identified through your responses.

Just click on the following link to complete it: http://medusa.ballarat.edu.au/limesurvey/index.php?sid=31727&lang=en

Thanks in advance for helping out and if you have any questions, please post it here or PM me.
Dr. Chris
Thank you to those who have already completed the questionnaire, we really appreciate your help! As an incentive for others to participate (other than going into a raffle to win a gift voucher of up to $50 at the end of the survey), I will post some results of the research on this forum at the end of the study, focusing mainly on the results for tenpin bowling responses. Hopefully they will be interesting and informative!:)
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