Sunday skins results 24/4/06


Game 1 Luke D*** 220 full
Game 2 Luke D*** 220 full
Game 3 Alan West 224 full
Game 4 Chris Atkinson(Russ) 203 half SW/TK 199
Game 5 Mark Neil 208 half LD 203
Game 6 Chris Barratt 257 full
Game 7 John Bushell 232 full
Game 8 Carol Gianotti 224 half RG 215
High Average Tom Kury (Steve W) 1570 $50
NEXT DATE: 14th MAY 8:30am Perth Cup Condition.
Please Note:
Could all members be financial by the 14th May, otherwise we will need to adjust the payout for the final round on the 28th May.
Eligibility for final 28th May:
1. There are no minimum games for financial league members. This is a contract league - we must pay the bowl a fixed fee regardless of how many show up. Any shortfall will be deducted from the final round prizefund - please don't do this to your fellow bowlers.
2. Subs must have bowled atleast 20 games in the first 5 rounds to qualify to sub in the final week.
3. To be eligible for the perth cup spot for the high average - you must have bowled 24 games as at the end of the final round.
Any questions, queries - please ask me or Carol.
Perhaps you could post on this forum the monies outstanding and the bowlers names so as to give them a hurry along to pay their fees.
I would hate to see the league not get the numbers next time we run it due to a revised prizefund.
hi jim

sent you a pm

can't post their names on here - it wouldn't be right.....

but it would be a shame if a couple of people were selfish enough to destroy the league for those that actually enjoy it!!
(and occassionally win money!!)

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