S.A. State Masters Results


Elite Athlete
Results as follows,

Bob Stewart winning the mens divisions ave 198, even with his 156 last game to take the title, with brenton davy and sean hyland tieing for 2nd spot. Robby chinner finishing in 4th spot to what was a very difficult and low scoring condition. All the top few managed to sneak in a low game along the way which didn't help their effort. Bob hopes two make it a double next weekend of course being hot favourite to win the seniors masters at Norwood.!!! Well he hopes to !!
(just a editors note and of course not being bias in any way but bob is my father-in law and a left hander....well what can I say.!!!!)

Well after being down by by over 40+ pins down going into the last game, Jo Babic bowling a 253 to Martina Smith 178 certainly paved the way to a victory for Jo, ave. 200 to Martina's 196. Helen pellegrini from the Valley showing what she's made of to finish 3rd followed by letitia Collins in 4th.

Well done to all who competed.
P.S. I forgot to mention that bob was 1st reserve up until during last week whe another left hander had to pull due to work . Won't mention who that was.......you owe me bob!!!!!
bye now
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