Results - Youth Roll-Offs


Manila 2009
After a 14 game roll off at Moonah Bowl, the Tasmanian Youth Team is :-

1st. Jason Griggs............2915..208 ave.
2nd. Elliot Renshaw..........2726..194
3rd. Damian Crick............2705..193
4th. Brahm Price..............2552..182

5th. Stephen Hayes........2415..172

Congratulations to the 4 team members and good luck in Werribee.
Great bowling Griggsie - looks like what we were talking about yesterday went to plan.
Well done also to Ell, Damo and Brahm for making the team.
congratulations to those people =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
thanks matty, wasnt that easy either. not when you had elliot and damian pushing you as hard as they did. congrats to the rest of the team. looks like we have a great team this yr.i look forward to going away.
Griggsy mate well done buddy, 208 average. Good to see you getting some good scores again mate, whole family is proud of you. Hope you guys go awesome at Werribee. I'm still waiting for the 300? :)
thanks timmy. tell your parents i said thank you too. it means alot to me. and also thank you too jen, you did say i was going to do well even though i was highly sceptical
Well done guys on making the team.

Congrats girggsy you bowled well and deserved the win.

Good luck when your away.
for those interested in the scores:

jason g 193 177 249 172 209 268 183 257 195 198 180 176 224 234 ave 208.2

elliot r 202 222 195 168 178 224 234 229 180 177 148 202 184 183 ave 194.7

damian c 222 224 198 171 214 170 181 171 166 173 183 202 225 205 ave 193.2

brahm p 194 155 196 202 187 185 162 186 192 169 193 157 221 153 ave 182.3

steven h 181 176 181 172 158 185 181 163 156 164 169 153 222 154 ave 172.5
Congratulations to Jason, Damian, Elliot and Brahm.

'Topher - Jason didn't win anything. He top qualified for a team.

Well bowled anyway Jase and the same to the other three.

Best of luck when you go away next year.
griggsy said:
thanks timmy. tell your parents i said thank you too. it means alot to me. and also thank you too jen, you did say i was going to do well even though i was highly sceptical

Griggsy, well done champ, that's a great average. Yes we are proud of you mate. Good bowling at WhereIB!! Porto might be kind enough to give you some "inside" info on the conditions? ;)


K-C said:
Congratulations to Jason, Damian, Elliot and Brahm.

'Topher - Jason didn't win anything. He top qualified for a team.

Well bowled anyway Jase and the same to the other three.

Best of luck when you go away next year.

dude same diff, its as good as a win
Nope not really! And I am sure Jason would agree with me. We are talking about making a TEAM.

Don't get me wrong, I am as glad as the next person that Jason bowled as well as he did. But he has made a team, not won an individual tournament. Big difference in my books.
ok just to clarify guys. i agree with both kace and topher. kace is right in saying it is only making a team cause thats true and so it topher in saying congrats on the win because this on a very personal level was a personal win to me, just something i set down as a goal, thats all nothing more or less. the more important thing is that it was a great weekend and very well bowled by all 5 people, with everyone handling themselves very well considering making this team can be hard being that only 4 people not 7 make the team and it is any one's game and i just happened to be lucky to have things go my way this once.

thanks to everyone for their kind words though it is most appreciated. and thanks for the words kace, means alot coming from a good friend such as yourself.

peace guys
Congrats Jase on making the team once again and especially bowling as well as you did! Top stuff dude!!!!!

And also congrats to all the other guys that made it in the squad too! Bring on Werribee!!! :D
griggsy said:
ok just to clarify guys. i agree with both kace and topher. kace is right in saying it is only making a team cause thats true and so it topher in saying congrats on the win because this on a very personal level was a personal win to me, just something i set down as a goal, thats all nothing more or less.

I never said it was only making a team Jase and I am not trying to downplay the achievement of top qualifying for a team. I know how much it can mean. It's just my opinion that saying it is a win takes away from the other members of the team, when in realistic terms the four of you achieved the same thing over the weekend.

And you're more than welcome for the kind words, it's great to see you back at the top of your game and I am very happy for you.
sorry kace my choice of words were a lil off mark there. i certainly wasnt saying you were only saying ti is just making a team, cause of any one i know, you know it is more than just that. my choice of words just didnt come across that way lol. my bad
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