Recycled water and cricket.


New Member
We all know that in Europe recycled water is nothing new.. In fact, in England the further South you are the more times your water will have been recycled..

Ok, so has anyone done any research on the connection between recycled water and the cricket playing abilities.. I mane this could be why they can't play cricket to save their lives.. are we putting our nations proud cricket heritage at risk by looking at using recycled water?

I think we need more answers before we go down this slippery path to cricket oblivion !
Well pondered Tonx...

that really make the water debate a little bit tougher to decide on :)
Nah, can't be connected. Sydney already drinks recycled water (if they want to admit it or not - there's numerous additions made to the river on it's way down there) and the SpeedBlitz blues are a force. To those who want to argue that - consider the number of them in national duty first. I'm not saying they're the best there are, just that they are indeed a strong team.

Now someone's suggesting they clean it properly first - sounds like a great plan to me.
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