


hey peoples...
i just have a question....
on a sheet i got from the TBA regarding the asian schools roll offs, it says "squads will be advertised on the asian schools website ( on the 5th of febuary". i checked the site out and umm... well lets just say i couldnt find anything to do with our squads.
can some1 tell me wots goin on? has it been delayed or was the letter (printed correct at the time) wrong??

cheers. bye

my suggestion is that you ring TBA in QLD about it, there seems to be heaps of questions being asked about the whole thing - best to ring and ask directly. I had to call and cancel Lozza's nomination (sick). They are generally pretty good if you phone em.

dudes ..

Seems like a bit of lost communication .. I actually update that site and unfortunately noone told me about that info to go on the site.

They are sending it to me in the next day or so and I will put it up pronto
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