Please Explain Selectors?!?!

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Thats cool, Im glad you won't post anymore cos... YOU DON'T KNOW ALL THE FACTS!!! Stay in NSW not SA...
micky_macca said:
01kay said:
Thank you Tony for not telling me to get a life and being able to understand the situation, I would also like to say that even thought people in the past weren't selected after getting high positions I have something that they must not have had, commitment to see justice, lots of money to fund the courts, a father who is very experenced with this form of favourtism in sport and business, and last but not least more then one lawyer...

You have taken this one step to far, that's my closing comment. Don't be so immature.

Agreed. This is just getting ridiculous.
I find this quite ammusing.

Even more so is the fact that there is 2 people to be 'selected'.

I am failing to see here how a placing in rank, means they get higher preference on selection?

A selection as I see it is simply that. A commitee (or person) 'selects' a bowler (or 2 in this case?) from the field of competitors.

Hmm, I think I might just double check what that means...

.. and I quote.

se·lect ( P ) Pronunciation Key (s-lkt)
v. se·lect·ed, se·lect·ing, se·lects
v. tr.
To take as a choice from among several; pick out.

v. intr.
To make a choice or selection.

Singled out in preference; chosen: a select few.
Of special quality or value; choice: select peaches.
Of or relating to a lean grade of beef.
Careful or refined in making selections; discriminating.

I also believe that the 'selection criteria' goes on attitude, skill, participation, and a lot more things that I can't seem to remember.

It's not just about scores, but its the way you reflect the scores... it's the way you treat your team-mates, and it's the way you act amongst a group of people... of which you will be going away with for over 1week..

Remember it's not just scores Rory.

Just 1 more finishing comment.

A lawyer doesn't make nothing into something... If nothing is there to start with, you will come out with nothing. My point? You havn't been mistreated, nor have you been 'singled out'... you participated in a selection process, of which the commitee chooses the players. Not by placing, but by the criteria I posted ^ up there.

Just reflect on this, and ponder why it is you didn't get selected.
Ben, i see your point, but unless there are extenuating circumstances resulting in either 6th or 7th being picked, then why not select them. They bowled themselves into that position and should be rewarded. Many people do know the reason for rory not being selected, and i believe that it is a rather weak reason.
The reason? Apparently because I didn't win enough games, yet I had averaged high then anyone else out of the top 5, I had 7.5 wins, Brad had 8 and Aaron had 10, obviously Aaron had the most wins, yet the diffrence between me a Brad Mattsson was far closer, really considering I had so few wins I did damn well to beat Aaron, and the real point behind all this is that I bowled well enough to make the top 7 bowlers in the state, yet I wasn't selected, why? Give me a valid reason why and I would stop complaining but the fact is that there is no valid reason...
Thanks Andrew

All we need is another idiot who likes to talk about involving lawyers.

BTW - ive modified the rules for your sake :

You agree that posting threats of legal action against ANYONE (this includes but is not limited to this website, moderators, admin, webmaster, members, person, company or association) will result in immediate suspension of your account. There is a time and a place that is more appropriate if you wish to pursue such action. The forum is not this place.
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