NSW States 2004



Well here is the gossip, 2004 NSW State Champs will be at Illawarra Strikezone at Easter.
Strike Zone

Great Centre = plenty of room anyway. Anyone out there who has bowled on the lanes ? What are they like? Timber or Synthetic - I went past to check them out on my way back from Nationals & I thought they were synthetic lanes with timber approaches but have been told the lanes are wooden - anyone know for sure?
I bowled there and was pretty sure that the lanes were synthetic, but I could be wrong. Don't know about the approaches though.
Strikezone has wooden lanes, and timber approaches.
Denis_ch, where did you hear your gossip? while it does make relative sense no point peole getting excited about it if there is no truth behind it.

Later Da Cowman!
It's not gossip, it was voted at the NSW State meeting where the 2004 NSW Jr State Championships were going to be held and Illawarra Strikezone got the vote so it's ture, 2004 State Champs will be held there.
Thanks Kelly. Good news for all I believe. Cept for the Northerns, who will have to travel even further ;)

Later Da Cowman!
Illawarra strike zone

What are Chester Hill Bowl's lanes made from? Rumor has it that Central are rolling off for Presidents Shield at Chester Hill and these lanes are synthetic? If Strike Zone's lanes are wood where is the sense?
Hmmmmm, let me think.....
ill let you figure the rest for yourself.

Later Da Cowman!
Hey DD,
Yes l can tell ya that NSW Central Roll Offs are at Chester Hill once again. And Yes they are synethic lanes. Perhaps they are just having the roll offs there and practicing somewhere else, l know for this yr they practiced at bankstown, bateau bay just to name a few which are both made of wood.

If anyone would know the answers and if you wanna ask the NSW committee would be the ppl to talk about.
The surface of the lane should have nothing to do with it.
If you think you are good enough to bowl shield then you should be able to bowl well on both surfaces.
Lets face it its the pattern and oil on the lanes which make the most difference between bowling centers.
Say for instance that central roll- offs are at a center with wood lanes. What help is that going to be for central if the oil pattern isnt the same. And they most likey would have forgoten the shot they played at roll-offs by the time nationals comes around any way.
Everyone who bowls shield has bowled on both wood and synthetic lanes so they should know what to do or how to adjust on each surface.
Roll Offs

69=breakfastofchampions said:
The surface of the lane should have nothing to do with it.
If you think you are good enough to bowl shield then you should be able to bowl well on both surfaces.
Lets face it its the pattern and oil on the lanes which make the most difference between bowling centers.
Say for instance that central roll- offs are at a center with wood lanes. What help is that going to be for central if the oil pattern isnt the same. And they most likey would have forgoten the shot they played at roll-offs by the time nationals comes around any way.
Everyone who bowls shield has bowled on both wood and synthetic lanes so they should know what to do or how to adjust on each surface.

i agree but i also see the other side of the story

e.g Act and Southern NSW roll offs
Everyone believed that the roll offs should be at illawarra strikezone because the nationals are going to be there and we wanted the best teams who could bowl on those lanes.

But really as said in the quote you have to be able to bowl well at all centres, in all conditions to deserve to be in the state team after all "nationals president shield" isent the only tournament you bowl in if you make the team!
Well you bowl shield challenge as well but pressie shield is the main thing.

Sorry if i seemed to harsh but seriously, its the surface of the lane?????

If you cant bowl on both surfaces what are you doing in the team, central has a vast number of high quality bowlers, im sure the team would be almost exactly the same no matter if the surface was on synthetics or wood.

See ya's all at brunswick...
Wooden lanes for shield! rock on!!! 8) 8) 8) 8) Maybe the NT might have a chance!! :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Well Bankstown was wood and Forest Hill was synthetic, and use did just about the same on both?

I dont see why the lane surface should provide that much difference, after all everyones gotta bowl on it.
Im not implying anything man,

I'm just saying the lane surface aint going to be the deciding factor on how teams perform in shield is it?

No hard feelings to any of the NT people!
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