NQ Junior Masters.


NQ Junior masters were held yesterday in Townsville...
I just want to say congratulations to everyone who bowled, and specially to the top 3 placegetters.

1st- Marissa Schulze [townsville]
2nd- Larissa Nastasi [cairns]
3rd- Sara King [cairns]

1st- Robert Shinn [cairns]
2nd- Aaron Nowak [townsville]
3rd- Justin Muscat [mackay]

You guys bowled really well yesterday.. Keep it up for intercity over the weekend & goodluck!
GO CAIRNS! :cool:
yay go missy what a legend
also congrats to Lari hopefully the storm can win for you on sunday night:D

Hey Missy,

HUGE congratulations on your win!!!!!!!

I know you have been working really hard at your game, and it's great to see your hard work pay off.

Keep at it and believe in yourself and you can achieve anything you set your mind too.

Great work!!!

Steve "Tubby" :D:D
Heyy. :D

Congrats to everyone. :D
Specially Robert & Missy!
Robert - you bowled like a champ all day!

and Missy, 17 pins!
but thats fine - i'll take your record. ^__^

Well Done to everyone else as well. (y)
I would like to congratulate evryone who entered the Masters and made it a fun competition - there is clearly up and coming talent in NQ.

Well done to Robert for bowling the house down! The win was very well deserved and I'm glad a finished second to such a humble winner (solid boy, solid). I would like to say that I will be back to contest the trophy next year, but sadly I wont :(
So good luck to all those people who will be fighting it out next year.

And the girls...

MISSY!!!!!!! YAY!!! All those thursday arvo training sessions are paying off lol sorry i didn't keep my end of the bargain though ;) Also well done to Lari and Sara for coming in very close - it seems you ladies like to make or break it in the final game haha

Also thanks to Judy and Cynthia for the tournament, and to the entire team at Mt Louisa Lanes for the smooth running of the event.

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