new years resolutions


idatola of 10 pin bowla
hey all justy wondering if anyone had any new years resolutions they wanna share dont have to be bowling related but hey anything is good


matt whiting
well mine is to go to the army, after shield thats were im off to, the army, goin to be a geomatic engineer, should be fun, laterz:D
hey all,

Mine is to have more fun when bowling, get my p's so i can drive the car im going to get and get a good op score.

While these are in the process ill be chillin n studying!

Happy new years every1!

Catchya Tonaea.\\:D/
Ey all,
My new years resolutions would have 2 b.
1: 2 make east coast and junior shield again.
2: 2 Pass my first yr of vce wif flyin coulors.
3: 2 get my L's.
Thats it 4 now. Chatch ya all l8r.

Happy New Year 2 All

Felicyti Murphy
hi all how are we all today?
My new years resolutions would have 2 b.
1: 2 make east coast and dunn sheld.
2: 2 bowl a 300 .
3: 2 cash in the things i bowl in.
Thats it 4 now. Chatch ya all l8r
  • Get back into cricket and get back to the level I used to be at before injury
  • Bowl my first 300 plus a few more once I break the ice
  • Shoot an 800 series (for 3, not 4 :p ) and 1000 for 4
  • Complete University (only 6 months to go!)
  • The rest is personal, so sorry I ain't tellin' ya :)

Happy new year all. I hope it is a fun, happy, and prosperous one for you all.
PoSsUm said:
Loose heaps of weight, Bowl a 240 or more and loose a bit more weight:D :D
Lol... Whatever Chris if you loose anymore weight we will not be able to see you.......! :rolleyes:
Lose weight (doesnt everyone have this as a resolution at least once in their life lol)
Save money
Boost the average to about 205
Bowl more events
Make the NSW Rachuig team
Hey all

Mine would be:

Make Rachuig Team
Boost Average to 200+
Travel More Than I Did This Year
Finish Higher in the Rankings

And a non bowling one:



What would mine be

1. Pass Uni Exams for both Semesters
2. Bowl 300 and achieve 800 series for 3
3. Make the Australian Indoor Hockey team I know it has nothing to with the sport
4. Average 190 or higher at youth events
5. Average 200 in all my leagues
6. Make Dunn Shield Team- Don't know which center/ Rachuig- won't de disappointed if i don't make the Rachuig team aslong as i know that i have done my best.

Most of these aren't really resolutions!!
A resolution is something like "saving money, losing weight" etc etc.
Most of the "resolutions" mentioned here are actually aims/goals for the year.

My new years resolution is to cut back on my bowling and focus on my education and graduate recruitment.

PLEASE, if anyone sees my name entered for a singles tournament slap some sense into me and remind me of this post!!

I said the same thing last year and ended up bowling all the Victorian based youth events!!
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